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oops! forgot autumnwatch... i'll just iplayer it like everything else.


tv woman in radio times and the letters page of same mag have it in for the presenters, saying they act like childrens tv presenters (*ahem* chris packham and micheala strachan? *cough*reallywildshow*cough*)... and some people (horrible, stupid people) are blaming martin hughes-games for anything that looks like fun. gods forbid educational stuff should be entertaining!


gods help these people if steve backshall shows up... they may explode with indignation! (i remember that being a cooler smiley on c4... )


rant over.


i miss badgercam... the sound of sleeping badgers was rather soothing.


was a bit proud last week, i got 2 of the unsprung skulls right.


ROFL  . Oh I forgot about that, didn't he live with the Tarka guy, and he got his fingers chomped off


That giant housespiders bit was scary. None of them looked as big as the one I saw when I lived in a flat beside the halfpenny bridge in Dublin years ago. Luckily it was outside, crawling up the wall beside the window. It was the size of my hand [ or thats how I remember it lol ]. 


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