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Not really, a woman I used to work with died of it, but it wasn't long after I had started, I didn't know her well... Touch wood, I wont.


That said, my gran appears to have had umpteen types of cancer and survived them all. Having a stroke whilst smoking on the other hand...


Here's hoping the NHS get everything sorted quickly for you.



Oh how lovely! So perfect thank you Hitch  


Well its bad news...Though its not in the stomach, its in the small intestine, and  the consultant isn't going to operate to remove it due to Da's age and probable spread elsewhere etc. Spoke to Da on the phone and he sounded good, v. uncomplaining. Going to try to get a second opinion/go private whatever. NOT impressed with the NHS - they're shoving him into palliative care/ a hospice when they've only done one scan + don't even know where its spread to yet.


Wish us luck!


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