it was a very common cut up here. *nods*
Well Ireland out of the rugby but in with a shout in the football
A draw with Armenia next week and we're through.
C'mon trap door Tony!
armenia should be ok for you.
we have to beat spain and/or hope the czechs win. these sort of 'if and buts' rarely work out for us.
Thats a bit of a challenge - Spain are excellent
we need the czechs to lose! not win.
i shall be wearing lithuanian colours! *nods*
I got it wrong too. Ireland need a draw to secure a play off place. I just know this will lead to heartbreak [again]!
*chews on stuff with nerves*
good luck to you. *nods*
Bad luck Hitch. Thats was such a hard group to get out of Apparently the penalty was beautifuly taken though.
Ireland have a bad record at play-offs - think its one in seven .
we are just.... you know... always... *weeps*
penalty was ok, as far as penalties go. highlight of my night was ranting at itv sports twitter feed. "i don't care that it's his 50th international goal, he's still a bastard for scoring it!" *shame faced*
good luck with the play offs.
Annoying that, indeed
I feel terrible foreboding about the play-offs. However Trapatoni has been a very lucky manager so far, so who knows.
*crosses fingers*
my new discworld has dispatched!
hope it arrives soon.
Just ordered some stuff meself, for Halloween from Asda Direct.
ooh excellent. when i was in asda last they had these creepy talking butlers... was so tempted. what'd you get?
still no snuff... *glares at amazon*
Halloween Bat-tastic Bundle,default,pd.html
Halloween Spider Bundle,default,pd.html
2 skull candles,default,pd.html
Those candles are frightening like something from a Black Mass!
*covets candles*
and everything else actually. halloween is my favourite holiday.
parents used to bring me back halloween decorations from America, some cool candles and a fiber-opic, cackling witch... who rocks completely. *nods*
Halloween is my favourite holiday too - love it more than Christmas I have such happy childhood memories of it too.
Also my maternal grandparents met at a Halloween party, so without Halloween I wouldn't exist!
Yeah Americans really go in for it, must've been great to get goodies from there .
internet has been patchy.. to say the least. not sure how long it'll stay on for this time.
i get kind of annoyed by the american tendency to claim it. until they start making their lanterns with the proper turnip in stead of the cissy, easier to scoop out pumpkin... then we'll talk. *nods*
yay for halloween and the rosie making!
on a related note, temps had a wee boy this morning, simon.
Aww thats great news, congrats to Temps!!! Isn't that her second babby?
Snap about internet problems. My BT line went down on Wednesday, [fault at the local exchange]. Simultaneously my broadband router died - had to phone Plusnet to get another one sent out, which arrived this morning.
Hope your internet problems get sorted out
yes, first boy finn is about 3 i think now.
we went down saturday afternoon until wednesday (local fault), then went down again thursday (not a local fault), back up friday night to saturday afternoon (not local fault, i figure it knew there'd be hell to pay if they didn't let me watch supernatural. *nods*)...
went down for a wee while after that as well, got virgin media coming out monday.. this has been happening the past few months... it's just happening more often and for longer.
apparently talk talk have had problems too... is mercury retrograde?
Wow thats really bad Don't BT own the actual lines though, despite your provider?. I imagine its possibly BT's fault? They have a notoriously bad rep