the watching of pointless has reintroduced me to cbbc. looking at steve backshall is a high point of this. remarkably... umm.. healthy... indeed he is. and quite good finding reasons to remove the shirt/wear tank tops. nice to have some 'arm porn' during day time tv. *nods and fans self*
the watching of pointless has reintroduced me to cbbc. looking at steve backshall is a high point of this. remarkably... umm.. healthy... indeed he is. and quite good finding reasons to remove the shirt/wear tank tops. nice to have some 'arm porn' during day time tv. *nods and fans self*
Yup he sure does I remember when they went into deep jungle to find undiscovered species. It was raining constantly. Naturally he avoided getting his shirts wet, by whippin them off
*Feels a bit flushed in a Mills and Boon way"
quick! the smelling salts!
lol... I hope they're extra strength !
indeedly so!
Hitch have you seen Grace Dent's write up on SCD in the Guardian?
She really makes me laugh If Strictly is anything like she says it is, I'll be tuning in.
yeah that's pretty much it to a t(ea?)
*is now imagining steve backshall in that male dancer get up, the luminous shirt open to the navel*
Thank you. I shall keep that image in my head for the next time I'm having a bad day.
i'm telling you though. russell grant needs to be as crappy and daft as he promises to be. *nods*
I think he can do both those things with ease.
Oh Neil Oliver was on Richard Bacon's 5L show last week, I listened to the podcast. N.O. was articulate as usual, though the other guy was a poor interviewer, he wasn't listening to the replies
i'm sure he can. unfortunately, other people *glares into living room* have taken to watching the x factor. i'm going to go deaf due to the volume i have to turn the walkman to to cover the noise, if i do. i sue gary barlow.
Maybe they're trying to lure you into watching it
My favourite thing on telly at the minute is Natures Miracle Babies on Sunday. Baby tasmanian devils and aye-ayes... awww
i missed the second episode. first one was amazing, pandas are the best mothers ever. i am now officially a ghost after dying from cuteness. haven't seen sunday's yet either... aye-ayes are creepy though, with those middle fingers and the uncanny resemblance (facially) to the manimals from tank girl.
This baby aye aye is cute though. Also I love the noises tasmanian devils make soooo cute.
Episode 2 had baby orphaned elephants which probably = 10 on the cuteness scale
i shall iplayer. *nods* work stopped for the september weekend today, plenty time.
I've loads to catch up on in iplayer. I keep meaning to watch that Monty Hall series in Ireland ( loved the 2 Scotland ones ). Then theres Horrible Histories...
i saw the horrible histories prom the other week... that rocked. the4 georges were great.
saw miracle babies today... so sad about the tazmanian devils, their babies are totally cute. still not sure about aye-ayes. baby koalas look like a handful.
Not keen on koalas... they just sit round dozing all day. Tazzies are great - love the way they're always scrapping and roaring at each other.
Episode 2 was good, but theres a sad bit in it too ( not with the elephants )
if only it was the scrapping that was killing them.
sometimes iplayer keeps episodes on for a whole series... maybe this'll be one of them?