Ta v. much Hitch. Here, have a strepsil for your throat
*ahem* why thank you... that was a rather sudden attack was it not?
lol it was...
Just found out that JK Rowling gave Harry Potter the same birthday as herself
yep. i found that out this year. i only ever remember harry's because it's the day after neville's. (neville is the-boy that-could-have-been, the prophecy could refer to either, but voldy chose harry 'and the dark lord shall mark him...'. i loves neville. *nods* )
On Who Do You Think You Are, she was amazed to find out that the main ( French ) ancestor she was tracing had that birthday too. It was also sad to learn that her mother died shortly before she embarked on the Harry Potter books.
that's interesting... weird sort of coincidence.
shame about her mother. i knew about that part.
Sad isn't it . Though, maybe it spurred her on.
Any more news from Pottermore?
still no mail.
Sorry about that
they have let about 40,000 people in so far... they have just over a month to let in the other 960,000... at this rate they'll never do it.
Oh no thats worrying However, I'm sure they'll re-arrange things? They wouldn't lock out fans who want to join
Wouldn't be in the spirit of Harry Potter.
put it this way...
most of us have pottermore set to text alerts on twitter so we know when to check our emails. last night one went off. they tried to start a pottermoreart hashtag. you can imagine how well that went down, only 3/10 of people are in, how can we fan art the site?
it also just makes it look more like they just aren't listening to us.
Not good, not good.
the released a blog today to answer some questions. was no use.
plus, they seem to have missed the main 'whatever happened to first come first serve?' question.
Unfair and a bit of a shambles, sounds like.
ah well... i'll get in early still. just, taking it's time... *is patient*
Yes, guess patience is required. When its eventually up + running, wIll there be forums on the Pottermore site? That would be be interesting.
there are common rooms... and a great hall.. i think they are chatrooms rather than forums. would rather forums.
what is your avatar?
Its Paddy from CBB made into a romany gypsie... erm... don't ask !
I haven't watched a second of CBB, but still like to join in the fun.