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It was... been singing "can you hear the people sing" and "I dreamed a dream" since I left the cinema. I cried, but not as much as I was led to believe I would... also, I cried a lot more during the last 2 acts of La Boheme. I think, if I'd seen the show or read the book... they didn't explain "L'amis de l'ABC" enough, I didn't bond enough with them. No matter how pretty Enjolras was.


If you were on Twitter I would direct you to EmergancyPuppy. Cute things on tap.


Ah Hitch, my cultured friend  I don't know much about opera but enjoyed what little I've heard. Saw La Traviata when I was a kid [ the elderly lady next door Miss Mehaffy used to take me to shows] and wept buckets. Also used to listen to Maria Callas when travelling on the train between Belfast and Dublin when at uni. Looking out at the scenery + her voice = bliss.


Oh and Nessun Dorma in Italia 90... sigh.


Thats not so long.


Though I'm not close to my father when it looked like the auld fella might slip away, it was so sad. He was in intensive care, his blood pressure kept dropping, then needed a blood transfusion, then developed fluid on the lungs. The doc rang my brother saying he had v.little energy and it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge. I prayed and prayed. He recovered thankfully, but has a persistent infection and you worry about NHS hospitals these days. Lets hope he pulls though.

You mentioned your father didn't get that great care in hospital so you probably know what it feels like 






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