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i had a suicidal wood pigeon on saturday. i was at a corner and stopped to let it waddle out the way...i went to turn right and it waddled out in front of me in that road. stupid birdie.


by the way.. i failed again today... two majors (second one as a result of being thrown by the first *doh*), on an otherwise clear sheet.


i didn't see ailis in the crowd, i figure hammond now has a rule about how tall the girls on camera are allowed to be, what with jezza's pointing out how much taller than him they are.


i didn't want vettel to beat reubens... but it was funny when jezza threw the old stig's time away... whoever caught it... ebay!


Really sorry about your test Hitch. You've had bad luck. I wonder if a lot depends on the instructor too 


Sounds like a crazy pigeon. I saved a pigeon's life once. It was fighting with its friend on top of a ventilation chimney on the building next to me. It fell in  ( I was washing the dishes looking out the window at the time luckily ). I rang the RSPCA but they weren't that bothered. So I looked up the building's number, asked for their maintenance dept and told them. A man  unscrewed a grill below the chimney and out it flew like a bat out of hell ! 


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