Italy! Brilliant I'll look forward to that, the foreign trips are always the best.
there's a fiat 500c abarth (abrath?), looking forward to that.
Err... *nods knowledgeably*
JM is still getting criticism for his latest series. They say its more suited for kids tv, but Its right at my level
keep meaning to watch, but haven't got round to it... hopefully iplayer are airing it as a series view.
My Favourite was the Fiat Abarth, though of course it was rigged it so it came last. JM was in a right tetchy mood last night too [quite liked it].
haven't seen it yet. normally catch it on iplayer. i think james is the only one that doesn't really like the wee fiat. i want one! *covets*
will catch it later today. *nods*
i see their point a wee bit, hammond did cheat slightly. no way could a fiat 500 be confused for a hatchback.
as cute as it is.
loves jm trying to get jezza to argue at the start. lol
I noticed they kept Jezza away from the ladies.
lol JM is beautiful when he's in a bad mood.
with their lady wrangler no doubt. (thank you mr noble for the term)
was indeed cute.
I noticed many laydeez at the front, so thats it.
Coast was good [ for once ] on Sunday too - they were in the Western Isles and Shetland. Neil Oliver was only in it briefly sadly, but it was worth it to see him doing his Scotsman's walk.
*is sure she replied earlier* *ninja*
scotsman walk? would that be a sort of cro magon swagger? that's how they walk round here.
Cro Magnon
Neil isn't that bad, more a manly stride with arms pumping. He looks like he's off to have it out with someone.
ah, so he takes the terminator stride. lol
my friend's cousin is going to see top gear today. i'm pretty sure she'll be wrangled to the front (tall, skinny and pretty) so be on the look out for a young lassie with thick black hair and pale skin.
Your friend is so lucky!
Lady wranglers - such a funny idea . I once heard an old Irishman say that when men were looking for women, they should be put into a corral and the men could lasso the one they liked.
egads! they'd have better hope they have a good aim.
she is indeed. and i am jealous. *nods*
I'd be all for the corral idea if the sexes were the other way round.
Feeling very jealous of your friend too... even though the audience has to stand round for ages and they only get a kitkat or something like that
ooh free kitkat. hehe (seriously... don't like kitkats)
*has an image of blokes milling about whilst the neopets fangirls fight over senormalo (because he's hot, not allowed to say that on neopets... but here i can. )* yep, corral idea a good one.
I remember Jezza saying thats all the audience got... think it was a kitkat, or someother choc bar.
Last night was good - hope all those little ducklings got away and Jezza didn't squish any.
i had a suicidal wood pigeon on saturday. i was at a corner and stopped to let it waddle out the way...i went to turn right and it waddled out in front of me in that road. stupid birdie.
by the way.. i failed again today... two majors (second one as a result of being thrown by the first *doh*), on an otherwise clear sheet.
i didn't see ailis in the crowd, i figure hammond now has a rule about how tall the girls on camera are allowed to be, what with jezza's pointing out how much taller than him they are.
i didn't want vettel to beat reubens... but it was funny when jezza threw the old stig's time away... whoever caught it... ebay!
Really sorry about your test Hitch. You've had bad luck. I wonder if a lot depends on the instructor too
Sounds like a crazy pigeon. I saved a pigeon's life once. It was fighting with its friend on top of a ventilation chimney on the building next to me. It fell in ( I was washing the dishes looking out the window at the time luckily ). I rang the RSPCA but they weren't that bothered. So I looked up the building's number, asked for their maintenance dept and told them. A man unscrewed a grill below the chimney and out it flew like a bat out of hell !