Ah I see. Speaking of footy, Man U (my team ) got spanked by Barca.. They were in a different class altogether.
*doesn't know if she should mention she was going for barca*
i was recently told (by a rangers supporter) that all celtic supporters support man utd... i felt a strong need to rebel against that.
Do they? For some reason I imagined that Celtic and Liverpool and supported each other. Mind you didn't Roy Keane play for Celtic.
i can see how you'd think that, 'you never walk alone' and whatnot... but, liverpool are the (excuse this) 'proddie team', celtic are more likely to follow everton. (the 'tim team')
he did indeed... didn't like him... not keen on this lundberg thing either... i remember ian wright being fun though, and good with the littler fans. (can i admit i didn't mind john barnes as a manager? his reign isn't considered to have gone well... but i find lennon embarrassing, which i think is worse than a few duff games. )
I find Lennon embarrassing too Also many of the people sending him stuff are N. I. numpties [
x100 ].
New series of Coast starts tomorrow... in Belgium. Would have preferred Spain though.
hello been a little busy recently (altador cup... mad yooyuballing all else forgotten)
haven't been watching coast... been v+ing much stuff.. tonight is mentalist season finale... i already know what happens though. shall catch it tommorrow morning after driving lesson. (test on monday by the way)
*(waves* have to rush off again*
No probs. Actually Coast was a bit rubbish, and Neil Oliver was hardly in it.
Good luck for your driving test on Monday, Hitch!
Hope your test went ok Hitch...
[Dusts place as its kinda quiet round here]
hehe sorry... tried to get on using laptop and realised i didn't know the account details. going to check in the bit of firefox that tells you, i do so hope i've saved it.
yet another fail, and they are booked up past my theory cut off... checking everyday for a cancellation.
*coughs from dust* oh dear... i have been neglecting this place.
all shook up about ryan dunn from jackass. i hope he can be vindicated, but even if he isn't it's still a tragedy. i was incredible fond of him all those years watching jackass and viva la bam... in fact i think he was the only reason i really watched.
anyhow, got the details... can now get on with my laptop. ('tada' seems inappropriate right now)
top gear back soon. did you see james walking a runway?
Sorry about Ryan Dunne, what a tragedy. Lets hope it wasn't alcohol involved.
Haven't seen the TG ads but did see JM's new series, it was surprisingly good, lots of schoolboy *parp* humour.
Bad luck about your driving test Hitch.
twice the legal limit at 130mph. i've called him for everything under the sun, but i still adore him... i have more choice words for those people taking bits of the car from the crash site to sell on ebay.
i think tg is on sunday... i think it's only a clippy ad this time. not a clever one. saving the good stuffs for the show, clearly.
Are people really doing that? Thats sick.
Was watching a TG repeat on iplayer. Both JM and Hamster failed their driving tests. At least you're in good company though its got to be very frustrating for you.
yep. you saw them on the news, clambering over the barrier raking through stuff. the dude from fox news asked them what they were doing and they told him. police have warned them they are tampering with evidence from a crime scene.
i mean, i'd love a souvenir of ryan, but that would be his autograph on my jackass dvd, like a normal, sane person. never going to manage that.
apparently, if there wasn't a car coming from the south, i'd only have been given a minor and would have passed. typical!
how have you been keeping?
Oh crap! Thats such a shame about your test.
I'm ok thank you Hitch, pleased as I've lost about 2 stone in 7 weeks [ combination of Atkins diet and exercise bike ]. The exercise bike is a daily grind, made bearable only by repeats of Top Gear on Dave.
ooh well done! i couldn't do that. *is impressed*
Fank oo, fank oo. When i get down to my target weight, I will change my avatar to a thin cat.
I wonder will they josh Jezza tomorrow about his recent exploits? Maybe they will impose a strict no-joke zone around him - like they did for Tom Cruise.
hmmm not sure... jezza himself made an injunction joke, about the stig, but still.
james race was good.
Uh-um, squirmed a bit at the injunction joke.
The JM race was good but it was a slightly so-so start to the series. Maybe I'm TG'd out at the moment