Flour arrived this morning, i just made some pancakes, they're nice but a but mushy. Think it will take some experimenting
biscuits! try biscuits!
*always fails at biscuits*
I shall try biscuits indeed! even better - butter is allowed - so I will attempt some shortbread. Yipeeee...
woo! *sends address in case they work*
Will do
Mind you Hitch, they come with a health warning; do you know how much butter goes into shortbread? About half a packet to make just a small batch Apparently butter is allowed on the Atkins diet, but it just doesn't seem healthy.
*nods* a buttload of butter... yummy shortbread.
ever made pastry? so much worse, all that butter plus the same amount of lard...
well, i think the idea is not to decry fat... fats have their good points too. just that the carbs get burnt off before fat.
Never made pastry, just used jus-roll
"Decry" I like that word!
Neil Oliver is pretty handy with a sword, I knew he had warrior blood, * faints*
yep.. love jus-roll... makes sausage rolls regularly with it.
hehe... warrior neil action figure now with stabby motion.
LMAO I love that idea!
Can it please have windswepty hair too?
i don't believe any other hair option is possible.
Excellent I shall order ten please.
HAPPY EASTER Hitch. Hope you got some nice choccy eggs.
happy easter to you too.
*puts in the action figure order*
fank oo.
I am feeling very virtuous today, did 2 hrs on my exercise bike. Wonder how much of my Easter Egg it worked off.
hmm... i haa a half pizza crunch and chips for breakfast... i think there is no amount of excerise that will do. lol
hmm... i haa a half pizza crunch and chips for breakfast... i think there is no amount of excerise that will do. lol
Thats definitely a hearty breakfast. I'm more of a one for calorie-laden midnight snacks
ah... i'm too stuffed up at midnight for snacks... unless they are lozenges.
i did an hour straight on the bike, with just a quick break for water. Not that fit though, almost threw up when I came off it.
egads! not good for you that exercise lark.