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I was thinking about you last night because one of my upstairs neighbours took a flaky (police didn't come near you'll be "surprised" to hear).


Yes, take it your MP... take it to as many people as you need to get something done.


I know I don't ask questions often... I'm not one for prying, don't really share stuff either (except the silly stuff, of course). Just know if you need to talk about something... just so it's not bottling itself up... i'm here... i'll even send you my phone email if you want?


Been watching splatalot on cbbc recently... you'd think with my recent viking thing i'd fancy the viking, but no... i like the barbarian.  (even though, the viking is very nice and has promised to umm... beat up {to a cbbc level} dick and dom for me the next time he's over... *ahem*)


Posting this to alert you to the new avatar (Crow T. Robot), it's a bit dark bit he's not creepy.


I like your new avatar Hitch  and also thanks for the PM


Is Splatalot good? CBBC seems to produce some good stuff.

Its good to have stuff to take your mind off things  I recently bought my first ebook "Wolf Hall" which is excellent. Also took another subscription with and watched Kick-Ass on it. Great movie but the little girl in it swears like anything 


Thank you. I loved that show (mst3k) in the 90s.


No bother on the pm... send a test just so I can make sure you wont get sent to spam or something.


I have loads of ebooks from the "free classics" or "99p special offers" bits. Tight Scot is tight. *nods*


She does a bit. I was very disappointed with that film... the Glen Michaell (of Glen Michael's Cartoon Cavalcade fame) cameo got cut!


kick ass? no... I just knew that they had filmed scenes with Glen Michael because the (I think) writer was Scottish and about my age.


Yes, it's generally the case. The only live action Discworld adaption I like is Going Postal, and that's a book I really don't care for. I haven't seen the Judge Dredd with Stallone... I can't comment. The new Total Recall looks bad though.


Yep Total Recall   there was no need for a remake plus it looks awful.


What will I do with my Lovefilm subscription... Any good films you recommend which I mightn't have seen yet? I must admit I enjoyed Kick Ass though its not the sort of thing I usually go for [I don't like violence]. But the mood I'm in at the moment... Korean horror films would probably hit the spot 


Something to lose myself in... Maybe I should finally start Game of Thrones?



Actually Japanese... It's a Lupin the Third anime, but, it's directed by Hayao Miyazaki (anime god) so it's a tad gentler than other Lupins. Cagliostro is a fictional European country. It's based on the French Arsene Lupin stories.  I love Lupin animes and I love Miyazaki animes... imagine how I feel about the 2 combined? lol


I rewatched something else the other night you may like. Kikujiro no Natsu ("Kikujiro's Summer" sometimes just Kikujiro), a Beat Takeshi movie, rather sweet. Plus it has two of my favourite gurads from Takeshi's Castle in it... maybe a bit too much of one of them. lol


Oh no those monthly shenanigans are no fun  Hope you feel better.


Speaking of feeling better I invested in a new magnetic exercise bike. Its brilliant and has 16 resisitance levels. Going for a good workout on that while watching a movie /iplayer and I'm right as rain. [better for taking your mind off things than downing Scotch + meds like I did last week lol  ].

The computer says I worked off a shedload of calories so either I'm quite fit or its faulty.


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