i'll be staying in... tribute to gerard kelly then only an excuse?!
it'll be great.
Former Member
Happy New Year Hitch!
Were you firstfooted?
Were you firstfooted?
happy new year rosie! 
no, sat watching harry potter until 4am nursing the same rum and coke that i had ar 11pm. good night.
you get anyone?

no, sat watching harry potter until 4am nursing the same rum and coke that i had ar 11pm. good night.

you get anyone?
Former Member
Nah I don't take part in the old traditions since I left N.I. Got some Happy New Year texts, perhaps thats the modern equivalent lol
Had some hot whisky, watched the fireworks on telly and listened to the rowdies hollering outside.
Had some hot whisky, watched the fireworks on telly and listened to the rowdies hollering outside.
ah yes.. rowdies... there was fireworks at around 4:30am and the junkies from upstair had a fight with some random drunk at 9am. happy new year. lol
Former Member
First-fighting instead of first-footing thats also quite traditional.
indeedly so. 
back to work soon..

back to work soon..

Former Member

it's horrible.. why can't we stay off until monday? 

Former Member
On a lighter note... have you been watching the black bears programme 9pm on BBC2? Third and last part tonight, its heartwarming stuff 

no i haven't, but they are the cuddly, not-as-likely-to-eat-you ones? right?
that said hercules was a brown bear and he was sweet enough.
that said hercules was a brown bear and he was sweet enough.
Former Member
Indeed - they're pretty gentle, "charge" only to scare... and love being fed grapes
The documentary maker Gordon Buchanan, a tough scotsman, literally had them eating out of his hand.

The documentary maker Gordon Buchanan, a tough scotsman, literally had them eating out of his hand.
cute! bears are purdy. 
did you see the kids doing top gear on the big fat quiz of the year? jezza was adorable! lol

did you see the kids doing top gear on the big fat quiz of the year? jezza was adorable! lol
Former Member
Heh heh I must watch that on 4OD 
Would you believe it, shortly after New Year my telly broke. It had been making crackly sounds then finally went pouf! I've been watching tv on my lappy since, looking at new tellies but when did they get so expensive? It looks about ÂĢ140 minimum

Would you believe it, shortly after New Year my telly broke. It had been making crackly sounds then finally went pouf! I've been watching tv on my lappy since, looking at new tellies but when did they get so expensive? It looks about ÂĢ140 minimum

they got expensive when they stopped using proper tubes to make them. 
i still have a tube telly, inspite of the guy in comets' valiant attempt to flog a flat screen. and a vhs recorder.. and a nes... it's like the bedroom time forgot.

i still have a tube telly, inspite of the guy in comets' valiant attempt to flog a flat screen. and a vhs recorder.. and a nes... it's like the bedroom time forgot.
Former Member
Yay Hitch! I too valiantly resist techno-gadget-conspicuous consumerism. I don't like eejits who have to have ( and be seen to have ) the latest thing. I had that beloved bog standard portable telly for ten years, it served me well 
Luckily my brother Owen gave me a ÂĢ150 Amazon voucher for xmas, looks like it'll come in handy now

Luckily my brother Owen gave me a ÂĢ150 Amazon voucher for xmas, looks like it'll come in handy now

oooh. that was nice of him.. i'm sure if had siblings they'd be getting soap and glory gifts sets like everyone else. *nods*
that annoys me too... i spend a lot time explaining ipods aren't good they are just popular.
that annoys me too... i spend a lot time explaining ipods aren't good they are just popular.
Former Member
You're right about Ipods. They don't have as good sound quality as sony walkmans or even sansa mp3 players.
i have a mp3 walkman. listening to it right now in fact. i love it.
creative zen is meant to be the best apparently, which is funny because their cd-rom drives weren't much cop. i guess they found their talent. 

Former Member
I had a creative zen... emm personally I find the sony walkman better for sound. Mind you it can depend on the headphones. A sony walkman with sony headphones = ya can't go wrong 
Ooh I made a resolution not to eat unhealthily, so no more burgers or chips.
Have you made any New Years Resolutions yourself?

Ooh I made a resolution not to eat unhealthily, so no more burgers or chips.
Have you made any New Years Resolutions yourself?
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