i remember old fashioned hugs... they rocked. 

Former Member
Just as well.... for some reason, half of my smilies don't work here. Do you have the same problem Hitch?
umm... haven`t noticed to be honest.

just done a practice.

just done a practice.
Former Member
Gah! About half mine aren't apppearing.Never mind, heres good news...
JM has a new series, starting 31st Oct called James May's Man Lab.
JM has a new series, starting 31st Oct called James May's Man Lab.
"New series. The host tries to redeem the reputation of modern men, who he believes are perceived as being unreliable, clumsy and oafish, by teaching them skills cherished by their forefathers. His first group of students faces challenges including defusing an unexploded bomb, serenading a woman, building a kitchen out of concrete and creating a motorised picnic table".
i saw an ad for that last night before buzzcocks. looks good.
Former Member
JM serenading a woman... can't see it somehow.
he does have a degree in music.. but, yeah, i can't it involving voice for some reason.
maybe he'll be in back with a keyboard or a flute?
maybe he'll be in back with a keyboard or a flute?
Former Member
Stig was on the Paul O'Grady show, he seems to be cashing in while he can. I think I heard that he was going to get a spot on First Gear too.
fifth gear on channel 5 i think... i saw an ad too...
i seem to see a lot of ads... *Ahem*
i seem to see a lot of ads... *Ahem*
Former Member

Are you looking forward to Halloween HItch? I love this time of year.
yes! is a sunday too. so, i can walk about all day with my brakmarian wings on. (dofus alignment, basically demon wings)
Former Member
Err...are those RL or online wings?
Yay....Halloween is my favourite time of year. The only crap thing is, I want to carve out a turnip lantern, but Tesco / Asda only sell tiny turnips. I think they call them "swedes" too. Gah! I will reluctantly buy a pumpkin but it feels so U.S.

technically online... but if i put them up i'll get aggro'd a bunch... i have some demon wings from Woolworths though.
i'd like to do the turnip thing... never get round to it.. plus i at least know i can eat the innards of the neep, same can't be said of the pumpkin.
i'd like to do the turnip thing... never get round to it.. plus i at least know i can eat the innards of the neep, same can't be said of the pumpkin.
Former Member
Just as well... wings would be uncomfortable sitting down in.
Neeps / turnips are murder to carve - it was usually the menfolk who carved them in my family. Maybe its best I go for the soft option
Neeps / turnips are murder to carve - it was usually the menfolk who carved them in my family. Maybe its best I go for the soft option

yeah... my dad has cerebral palsy, can't see him carving a turnip for us.
Former Member
Aww no, very sorry to hear that Hitch. How long has he had it ?
Carved turnips aren't that great... they smell awful once they're lit.
since he was a baby... it's a head injury as a small baby that causes it, the mid-wife dropped him. thankfully it's not severe.
hehe i could imagine pumpkins smelling better.
(is wearing her wings
hehe i could imagine pumpkins smelling better.


Former Member
Sorry about your dad Hitch xx
Happy Halloween! Oops sorry I didnt post yesterday. I heated up some takeway prawns from the bottom of the the freezer. Oh I didn't feel good after, I yakked them up Exorcist style
<<<< this was my actual colour.
I think today is Day of the Dead isn't? Spooky!

I think today is Day of the Dead isn't? Spooky!
yeah, i was kind of ill on hallowe'en too. but mine started on saturday night and kind of petered out just before evening.
i celebrated dia de los muertos too! skull scarf, nightmare before xmas mug and jack skellington cushion to snuggle (since you can't get sugar skulls here)... good times.
i celebrated dia de los muertos too! skull scarf, nightmare before xmas mug and jack skellington cushion to snuggle (since you can't get sugar skulls here)... good times.
Former Member

I saw some online photo galleries of families in Mexico etc, celebrating their departed ones. I really like the whole concept of Day of the Dead - even having a picnic gathered round the tombstone doesn't freak me out.
And yes! Jack Skellington does look like very those thin skeleton thingies, right you be!
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