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Gah! About half mine aren't apppearing.Never mind, heres good news...
JM has a new series, starting 31st Oct called James May's Man Lab.

"New series. The host tries to redeem the reputation of modern men, who he believes are perceived as being unreliable, clumsy and oafish, by teaching them skills cherished by their forefathers. His first group of students faces challenges including defusing an unexploded bomb, serenading a woman, building a kitchen out of concrete and creating a motorised picnic table".

 Heh heh sounds like you had all the right gear.

I saw some online photo galleries of families in Mexico etc, celebrating their departed ones. I really like the whole concept of Day of the Dead - even having a picnic gathered round the tombstone doesn't freak me out. 

And yes! Jack Skellington does look like very those thin skeleton thingies, right you be!

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