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totally! he had me in stitches for this week's news.


ooh! I shall have to check him out then. Weirdly the double barrelled name sounds promising, like Martin Hughes-Games.


The concentration thing can be handy at times. Whenever SB picks up a 'lovely' *rolls eyes* bug, you tend to find me all "concentrate on Steve.... concentrate on Steve...".

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

TG wouldn't work without JM!


By the way I have a new telly crush. Gus Casely-Hayford who does the BBC4 series "Lost Kingdoms of Africa". Its a fascinating programme, although I find it hard to concentrate on what he's saying at times 

He got 18 months for robbing a pensionner 4 years ago.

Originally Posted by hh42:

totally! he had me in stitches for this week's news.


ooh! I shall have to check him out then. Weirdly the double barrelled name sounds promising, like Martin Hughes-Games.


The concentration thing can be handy at times. Whenever SB picks up a 'lovely' *rolls eyes* bug, you tend to find me all "concentrate on Steve.... concentrate on Steve...".

  [ Fans Hitch with Radio Times ].


Aww I can't catch watch the second episode of Last Explorers. Its supposed to be on iplayer series catch up but it isn't 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

You should see what they dismissed in court  


Personally...I'd have hung the bastard.


Good agent though - ain't we all..

 I'm surprised he's back working in such a high profile series Velvet 

Pity as its such an interesting history series, and I want to learn about it.



Sounds ideal.I imagine Steve would try to compete with Chris over animals and it would be "No, no, that's ok... you just get back to building up a swea... the shelter. I'll supervise." *nods*


How about a couple of the Horrible Histories guys for entertainment? Ben could be  pirate, Mat would be Dick Turpin and Jim could sing stuff.


We could decree a moustache ban? Except of course in the bikers' case.


I was just about to fall asleep last night when I remembered Jun Tanaka, if we ever feel like some Asian cuisine.


*scurries away from conche shell and fire* What's wrong with paper and pen?


(i haven't got my specs on, so have no idea what this post looks like. Well obviously, I can... just... typing with keyboard near my face. )


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