*nods* I get you.
If she doesn't get back to me, I could try "@"-ing her and seeing if any of her people know her in real life? Might be a little invasive though.
*nods* I get you.
If she doesn't get back to me, I could try "@"-ing her and seeing if any of her people know her in real life? Might be a little invasive though.
hh42 posted:I did feel things were getting a bit quieter on this thread. And I'm not good at drawing people out, so I hope I haven't driven her off with my rambling.#
Fingers crossed things are ok. I'll let you know if she gets back to me.
I wouldn't worry on that count. I think she finds your 'RAMBLINGS' helpful, even therapeutic!
I know I don't chip in on a regular basis, but I quite often have a look in to see what you're RAMBLING ON about.
So I'm feeling that RL is getting a bit on top of her at the moment.
And if that's the case it's just a shame that she felt the need to de-reg, rather than just take a break.
Just to let you know that The Grand Tour starts on Amazon Prime on 18 November with a new episode each Friday for 12 weeks.
You can rent per episode/season there? Right? Not wanting to subscribe to another service. (I'm saving my Netflix free trial for when the new MST3Ks air.)
Hi there hitch, do you know Autumnwatch is on this week? It started yesterday and one of the things they did was update us on the eagle chick from Springwatch.
And the squirrels have leprosy!
More on the eagle chick tonight....and edible dormice!
Yes, thank you. Been watching it... think it clashes with the GBBO final tonight though.
Those poor squirrels. The dormice were so cute.
Spiders and spoonbills tonight. Hope you're watching it. It's later tonight, AFTER GBBO.
I'm sure it'll be on the iPlayer if you miss it live.
Well, that's it for now, but they definitely said that there would be a Winterwatch!
Hamster is good, thank you. Was given a book yesterday about crafting toys for her.
Haven't seen much TV lately. I hope I haven't missed Winterwatch. O.o
Hope everyone here is well?
Well, if there WAS a winterwatch I missed it too' but as Springwatch and Autumnwatch tend to be shown at the END of these seasons then it's possible that a Winterwatch won't be seen until February or March.
Talking about things not being seen......have you any news of Roger the Alien? She is much missed on the BB forum......amongst other places.
Coming up this month. 23rd I think. So, Unmissed. Hurrah!
Yes, still emailing with her. Just recovering from the festive period and looking forward to Winterwatch.
That's good, on both counts!
Hope you both had good festive seasons.
I did. Xmas can be tricky though... can get a bit feelsy.
Hj there.
I take it that Rog will have mentioned that she has registered here again?
We're all excited in Mod towers and are looking forward to her 'new' first postings.
She has. Has there been postings yet?
My search says 103 times so far. Mainly in the Darnell thread on the BB forum. Surprised she hasn't posted here yet!
Hi Fluffy How have you been? Good to see you again xx
Never expected such a kerfuffle!.... Thanks
I didn't know if this thread was still going, sorry
Hi Rog good to see you with us again.
kept the thread, just for you.........
Sent you a 'welcome back' PM when you first re-registered, then found out you had had to ditch that one, so my PM went up in smoke!
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