Not at all ! Interesting bit of urban sociology, or is it anthroplogy. Anyways, fascinating.
I grew up in a place like that. Stranmillis has a posh bit [ avenues ] and a streets bit [ council houses, where we lived]. There was a snob I went to school with, from the posh bit, and she would always say, pointedly, "your street". I would say, "actually, its Stranmillis Park" in a wounded Lady Muck type of way. Wish I'd had the confidence back then to tear a strip off her, like I would now.
Flashback ending...
... and we're back in the room 
Nice one meeting Al Snow. What was he like?
I'm ok-ish ta. Was a fairly stressed, but did 7 hrs on the treadmill, Sat + Sun consecutively. Feeling better and kind of proud of myself.