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Oh yes... but apparently the young girls of the internet prefer Junkrat. Positives of that; It's nice to see young girls attracted to an amputee without it being an issue. Negatives; He's a nasty, anti-Omnic racist. (I am very much for Omnic rights.)


Tempted to link pics. There's a video for Hanzo which is gorgeous... I wish Hanamura was real...

Olympics + tennis = my nightmare.   Only olympics thing I was happy with was Fiji in the rugby 7s. Having to explain to people that when it comes to rugby 7s Fiji aren't a wee team. Also, Leone Nakarawa has a gold medal, I have a pride.


Blizzard have people for everything. Their cinematics have gotten so much better in recent years... Watching the Icecrown Citadel one after Warlords of Draenor is painful... the jump in quality between then and now is massive. We'd like them to do full length animated movies, they have the skill, but the costs would be astronomical.


Doesn't look that good in game of course... (especially if you have to play on low graphic quality... but there's nice little touches... that second arrow {shot at Genji, not the goons.} is still in the floor.) I still love competing in that area, Tibet is gorgeous too.


Yeah, I don't have fantastic early childhood recall, but remember that. Probably mid-late 70's? My standout cultural memory was the day Elvis died, when I was six. We came in from playing + Instead of the TV test card, there was a photo of him with his music over it. It was just incredible, like God dying. That's the first death I can remember. 

What were your earliest memories Hitch ?   *prepares to feel like Methuselah*  


Doom boats of the Clyde!!!   Sometimes you hear boats here, but its a nice evocative distant foghorn. Maawwwhhhp. 

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Earliest memories... Mainly being carried swiftly past the large animatronic at the entrance to the Jolly Giant's, because it terrified me. I'm still bothered by robots and such like today. It's why I can't play Zenyatta on Overwatch, even if I am pro-Omnic rights. That said, Blizzard released another animated short yesterday. It's about Bastion, who is a different kind of Omnic... I pretty much cried the whole way through... From the first sighting of Ganymede the bird until sometime after it had finished. And now I have thought about it, and I am sad again.


I'm very close to the river. Also, shipyards. Boats are louder here. Although, in the 80s at night if you couldn't sleep... you could hear the distant rumbling of the trains in Jordanhill. Not anymore mind. Trains are all quiet now.


You're really into this stuffs - it's great when something makes you cry, in a good heartfelt way.

Oooh, does where you live have a historic feel to it? Has it been gentrified at all? Belfast's docks / shipyards were re-branded as The Titanic Quarter. So craven .... mind you brings in tourist business.

I live in the "Maritime Quarter" ... at least that's what it said on the Estate Agent's property details  Haven't heard it called that since. Its an old shipping offices though... hence no number 13 in the building out of superstition. I love that.

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Not historic or gentrified, no. Just near enough the river. There's a weird class divide in my area. The main road splits it (and the neighbouring area) between the "streets" and the "avenues". My side, the street side, is all tenements and industrial (closer to the river). The other side, the avenues, is all cottage housing, the bigger park and the sports complex. Official channels (schools... kids from that side get away with more in that school over that side. That side's non-denom school, this side's RC... technically.) tend to treat people in the avenues better than our side. The best example I have of this is... have you ever watched antiques shows on the BBC? Occasionally, they have an auction in Anita Manning's auctioneers. This building is on our side of the main road, but the always film exterior shots in a way that's there's no trace of tenement... It's literally right next to one.


Ok. No more ranting. How's your weekend been? I went to a con yesterday and met Al Snow. Al Snow was my favourite wrestler in the 90s, am still a little giddy.


*runs about your building hiding 13s everywhere*

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Not at all ! Interesting bit of urban sociology, or is it anthroplogy. Anyways, fascinating.

I grew up in a place like that. Stranmillis has a posh bit [ avenues ] and a streets bit [ council houses, where we lived]. There was a snob I went to school with, from the posh bit, and she would always say, pointedly, "your street". I would say, "actually, its Stranmillis Park" in a wounded Lady Muck type of way. Wish I'd had the confidence back then to tear a strip off her, like I would now.

Flashback ending...   ... and we're back in the room 


Nice one meeting Al Snow. What was he like?


I'm ok-ish ta. Was a fairly stressed, but did 7 hrs on the treadmill, Sat + Sun consecutively. Feeling better and kind of proud of myself. 

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Al Snow was great. Like bit more awkward talking to him than Hacksaw last year. Might be because I used to have a crush on him in the 90s and started talking about how he a girlfriend called Colette when he was younger. Couldn't we just talk about Head? She was sitting right there!  Great panel too. I don't know if you know who Grado is? (He was in River City... Scottish wrestler.) Al just teased him through out. It was great.


7 hours on the treadmill? That's Biggest Loser epic stuff... You got the Commando shouting at you to move or something?


Bit clueless about wrestling sorry  They say you should never meet your heroes... probably less so if you fancy the pants off them?  

Thanks, its only a walking treadmill but an uphill setting. The counselling e-chat sessions I was having.... the "counsellor" said something to upset me. I tend to pace up and down when stressed.... so figured I'd channel that energy. 

Also I had much stuffs to buy for Owen's birthday. My laptop rests on a platform over the handlebars... got so transfixed by Amazon browsing I forgot the time. Had some young peeps radio 1 music blasting in my headphones, that helps too.


It was about suicide. Y'know... enough said. Honestly I think I'm cursed when it comes to counsellors. 

Still... Autumn's coming up... nights drawing in... candles to be lit, spooky things to see.

Oh I must tell you... Owen only has a token front garden, and wee terrace back garden, what would it be, maybe 14  X 12 feet? I just bought him three fruit trees in pots - apple, pear, damson.  He'll fit them in somewhere hopefully, otherwise he'll have to go guerrilla gardening 

Here's one:

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