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That's true... I did get a bit "Khadgar has blue eyes... I know because I've looked... a lot... *ahem*"... Garona didn't look Orcish enough (She's supposed to be half Draenai too, but the decided to make her actually half human. Although, weirdly, they made her in game lover her dad. Bit skeevy. )


I think I saw Genn's dad. There was a human that was all "No to your Alliance." Genn's dad started the whole isolationist Gilneas thing, and Genn would've been young then too, like Varian Wrynn (King of Stormwind, leader of the Alliance). He didn't look like he fit at all. Too modern looking for this pseudo-medieval setting (even if Gilneas is more Victorian leaning after 30 odd years behind a wall). I'm hoping it wasn't him for that.


The gryphon was perfect though. I had bumped mine for a red drake, because it looked cooler... After the movie I started using my gryphon again. Movie gryphon was adorable.


You never asked for a lore lesson. I'm afraid you got one. Oops.


Been watching the telly sports?


Sounds like an amazing world to go into *nods*.

Haven't gotten into this Olympics really, have you? Felt a bit nostalgic when I saw the fencers though... my foil hand felt twitchy . [Though they're approximately one million times better and faster than I ever was].

Quite interested in the new footy season with all the new managers etc. Celtic under Rodgers, err you reckon he's made an ok start?

Last edited by Former Member

I don't watch the Olympics myself... ever. Of course, if my wee cousin Joshua ever goes I'll have to watch the badminton. *gripes*


I haven't really caught any football yet, and Im not going to base anything on scorelines alone. Been too busy playing Overwatch. (I need to unlock Symmetra's Olympics emote before the 22nd. I won't be able to after that, and her regular ones are crap. And... it's random... )


Just think of the show as badly written crack fic. That what the rest of us do.


Legion pre-expansion questlines have begun. I have sadness. (Remember that spoiler I would not talk of? It happened.) Also, kind of joy because I got to fight alongside Genn Greymane for the first time since my starter zone. And a little annoyance because where the frig was Khadgar? Maybe he could've stopped said spoiler happening.


*shouts "For Gilneas!" and runs off to do her dishes before bed*


Maybe so.


I have defeated two Burning Legion invasions (I need 6 for the achievement), discovered the Horde Warchief (It's an Orcish title. The head of a clan is a Warchief. But the last Horde Warchief was a Troll called Vol'jin.) died as well as my faction leader. Sylvannas Windrunner (Undead, formerly a Nightelf, Queen of the Banshees) is taking over as Warchief. My faction... There's a nice statue of Varian Wrynn outside the castle in Stormwind (main Human city). His son Anduin has taken over as king of Stormwind... but no word if he's taking over as faction leader as of yet. He is very young, maybe naively pacifist, not sure many would go for it. I have heard rumours Genn Graymane (Worgen, WoW version of a Werewolf) will become faction leader. He's also a king (of Gilneas... which was a Human city. There's a lot of story there... let's just say, he has a lot of reasons not to like Sylvannas.), older... maybe not wiser but militarily capable. His country isn't long out of a period of isolationism though... his dad built a wall, but I think he was starting to see things his more liberal son's way... the cataclysm bring the wall down (and all that followed. ) helped move things along.


Umm... you got another lore dump. *ahem*


Pippin is doing dandy... she hasn't been kicking stuff out, but she seems to have gotten lazy about making her bed. Taking after me I fear.


 No, its great stuffs. Probably the closest I got to that, was the LOTR trilogy. I loved the immensity of the world. You found yourself imagining staying on in certain places with certain characters, after the main characters had moved on. Game of Thrones too, come to think of it. To be moving about in such a fantastical strange world, well I can really see the appeal. *nods*


Pippin  Hey, maybe that's just how she rolls  [ooh an unintentional pun].

Last edited by Former Member

There's a nice level of immersion I think. I often wonder how the "paladin pals" (Dwarf and Bloodelf paladins, Gidwin Goldbraids and Tarenar Sunstrike) are getting on, it was nice to see them and Fiona again in the Draenor expansion. Just a pity that when Fiona (Worgen priest) joins your garrison as a follower they aren't hanging around too. Although, that said, even if Gidwin is favourite... he tends to end up unconscious/trapped/captured. I miss Thassarian (Undead Human death knight) too. Haven't see him since Wrath of the Lich King... unlikely to be in Legion.


And whilst it is nice to imagine being in these fantasy lands, fighting alongside heroes like Archmage Khadgar... Sometimes it's to imagine a quiet tea/sake drinking session with Hanzo Shimada from Overwatch too.


She seems to be rearranging her whole cage. She's moved her toilet area to where her bed used to be. Food store to where the toilet was (don't worry, this was after hamster safe detergent wash.)... Dunno what she's up to.


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