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Let us not talk of work... XD


Youtube for me is the let's plays... Actually, there's something I can recommend for hallowe'en. Markiplier's horror game let's plays. Any Amnesia one, or an RPG one like Mad Father, The Witch's House, Misao or Blank Dream. Also Five Nights at Freddy's... It can be funny watching him react to the jump scares on face cam.


Tough love lol. I was messing, hitting the random button on reddit and ending up reading about hamsters as pets vs guinea pigs and rabbits. Consensus is that hamsters aren't that affectionate or rewarding as pets... in fact they were called the devil's fluffballs or something like that. Think it was their cannibalistic attitude to motherhood that swayed people 

Still, Pippin is awfully cute 

Nice new avi...who's he?


Yeah. Apparently rats are the best rodents to have as pets. Devil fluffballs, I'm calling her that now.... affectionately of course.


Avatar is of Archmage Khadgar. It's from promotional material for the next World of Warcraft expansion. There was a three part animation (One about Khadgar, one about Gul'dan, and one about Illidan.) and a four part audio drama (again featuring Khadgar and Gul'dan... they are important.), this is from the artwork that displayed during the audio drama. The Legion are coming, which I'm weirdly happy about... apart from that one spoiler... let's not talk about that spoiler.


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