Sounds brilliant! Especially on your spiffy new laptop.
Yes. And PokΓ©mon Go released today. I have a Bulbasaur, and I caught a Jigglypuff... I couldn't track the Eevee (think it was in the old folks home), and I live right next to a hub of pokΓ© stops and gyms.
This is possibly a geekier summer than last year, were I watched every single episode of Poriot in order.
Nothing wrong with that. Hmmmm... I need the next thing to lose myself in ... any suggestions tv wise? Had Penny Dreadful recommended to me... Preacher looks intriguing. Something with a hint of dark, not in the mood for chirpy stuffs.
I haven't really been watching a lot of tv recently, sorry. Penny Dreadful seems ok, but I only last two or three episodes. As soon as I realised they weren't going to kill off Billie Piper permanently, I noped out.
I watched the first episode, it seemed ok. Was Billie Piper an annoying character in it? I haven't been in the tv mood much either... haven't seen G.O.T. since the hold the door episode.
What did you think of that accent? It was winding me up.
Game of Thrones was just same as always. Big thing episode 9 to distract, mess up the feudal order, and Varys overtaking Littlefinger as the teleportation champion.
Hmm.. didn't see Billie in it. Only watched ep 1 up to the autopsy on the bald vampire type thing. Was it an awful victorian cockney accent or something?
Yes Littlefinger's teleportation... there was much hilarity at that
Northern Irish. She's staying at the same inn as the American dude. (Who, if you watch the second episode you should work out about.)
Ah Littlefinger... How are we going to get past Moat Cailen? Go around it? Maybe you haven't heard of the entire concept of Moat Cailen? The whole, you can't go round Moat Cailen thing...? No? Nevermind...
Uh-oh, glad I missed that. Its weird... six months of Now TV + Movies and I've hardly watched it.
Those G.O.T. producers... what a liberty!!!
I like watch three shows on it. In fact I need to catch up with the Daily Show... All that PokΓ©moning and Overwatching.
I have discovered tonight, if someone drops a lure at the local pokΓ©stop, I can catch the pokΓ©mon from my flat.
How handy. TV can wait...Pokemon Go is sweeping the nation!!
Indeed. I had some pokΓ©mon successes today... How has your day been?
Ok thanks... been a bit of a grumpbag recently... apart from that, fine.
What did you catch on Pokemon? Apparently it's quite addictive...
Oh dear. Grumping is ok, within moderation. Grump a lot too.
Today I caught a Charmander with a high CP arc (pokΓ©mon rearing/training stats are complicated) and I hatched a Lickitung, likewise with the great CP, and bloody massive. I converted the metric into imperal and it worked out as just under 5' and just over 15 stone. I now understand why pokΓ©mon are kept in tiny balls.
That went over my head, but it sounds like you're having fun.
Is it hot where you are?
I am.
It's alright here. I think today's been the first truly warm day. It's been nice enough to walk for egg hatching.
I take it you've been in heatwave zone?
Egg hatching lol... do you see any other peeps out doing the same?
One day was supposed to be 29 c but it didn't feel too bad. Then it cooled, so it's just been pleasant T shirt weather.
Where is this ruddy Grand Tour at? I know they're filming and that but... hurry up
Yeah. You see loads, especially if a pokestop has a lure on it.
I don't know. But, James has a booboo on his finger.
Oh yeah, just checked his twitter, which made me miss them more. This year really needed their daftness as an antidote, don't you think?
His your pokemoning going - have you caught as much as you'd like ? It must be hard to stop once you get going