Everyone else tried to make me feel better by saying how horrible gulls are. I need not point out how much this tactic didn't work with me. I still feel bad.
hh42 posted:Everyone else tried to make me feel better by saying how horrible gulls are. I need not point out how much this tactic didn't work with me. I still feel bad.
Its absolutely awful when you've inadvertently hurt an animal
I've never forgiven myself, for accidentally treading on our tortoise's foot when I was five Poor poor thing.
It's a terrible feeling.
hh42 posted:It's a terrible feeling.
Aww It is. It's not your fault though Hitch. If it got struck [ and I'm sure you aren't the speed merchant type ] it could have been really sick anyway, as gulls normally have lightning reflexes. Nature is cruel. We watch Springwatch! We is made of tough stuffs! Still .. devastating... though
How are your starlings doing? My bruv Owen says they're quite greedy, always the first to hoover up the birdfood. Wonder if you left scraps on your windowsill would they come over? Any hammy news...
I haven't really seen them since it's the weekend. I see them going in and out in the morning during my pre-work chill. Very busy, seems to be a third adult helping.
Hamster news, Have I mentioned that I open her front gate and let climb into the ball herself? Well, before and after her run around, I open the top with the ball held close and she climbs onto me and has a crawl/sniff about. I have learned from this that:
1) whiskers are tickly (my chin gets the first sniff).
2) hamster claws are like little pins (need to invest in mild sandpaper for cage bottom).
3) when she got to my hand she had an attempted nip, but, it wasn't hard or aggressive... maybe testing me?
4) she is soft and fluffy as a cloud.
That's so sweet Hammywatch!
Re: 3 ... maybe she's wondering... is my mammy Hitch made out of hard stuffs like cage bars or soft stuffs?
Re: 4 Aww I bet.... when I saw your picture of her I wanted to bury my nose into her soft wee tummy fur [ very unwise possibly ]
Yes. Very much unwise. At present anyway...
*envisages going to A+E with a hamster related injury*
Oh... meant to ask you what do you think of your new manager Rodgers?
She crawled onto my hand. She nipped my hand. She was there of her own volition. Hamsters!
I am not familiar with his previous work. So, really got no idea.. see how it goes.
Springwatch approaches! Martin has been on a horse. A marvellous sight.
Aww no. Did it hurt? She's giving you mixed messages there?
Martin on a horse. Oh my! *fans self*
No. It didn't hurt. I don't know what she's trying to do... still sizing me up?
Hopefully, the same horse will be a Springwatch. They've been practicing... Not sure what though.
Could be?
Since you mentioned Martin on a horse, I've been picturing him as Poldark Oh goodness I need a cold flannel...
His hair was still longer (as you know, the past few seasonwatches have contained the dreaded haircut.), and you know how dashing he looks with the longer hair...
Yes. yes I do.
I've mentally designed a Mills and Boon front cover featuring MHG wearing the period-drama-hero white shirt he wore one Halloween, and with longer hair. Just added his horse into the background.
Tragic I know
tragic... yes... *stares off into the middle distance dreamily*
*drools into her spag bol*
Any Hammywatch updates? Can you let Pippin out of the cage much, or would she run off...
She gets a daily ball run. During which she finally worked out how to get over the wood at the bottom of the doors. She also gets to climb out of her ball and crawl/sniff/hopefully not nip over her human.
She ran about on my bed the other day, and if she wasn't so high up she would've jumped off. Glad I don't have a divan. That said, she generally runs back to her ball if shown it. Did I tell you she got out of it twice last weekend? (I hadn't put the lid on right, it popped off on impact.) She just crawled about and sniffed until I noticed. *phew*
Aww. Must be a comical sight, her trundling round the flat in her ball? It's lucky she didn't run off when it opened.
Can you stroke her? ... or wouldn't she like it. You sound like you're very gentle with her and not manhandling her all the time *nods*
She's ok, as long as don't surprise her from above. Yesterday she was a bit iffy about getting back in her ball. Luckily she was crawling about my bed, no way down.
It is funny, she has to look up when she's running... hence, she can't see where she is going. Her wee face is full of concentration too.
Springwatch tomorrow!