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Triple squeeeeee!  Could Pippin BE any more cute? She looks like a wee teddy there.   Thanks for the pic  Sounds like you're taking great care of her too 

Ummm I liked the Netherlands [ C+W ] and Georgia [scruffy rockers in hats ]. Yes that was absolutely my thought too... two fingers up to Putin  Most satisfying.


I like Georgia, but... that light show. I'm not epileptic, but I was zoning during it.


Isn't she.  She's still nippy. She's not scared, she might be associating me with food, or Elaine may have lied about how tame she is... Who knows. But, I've moved her into the room... she didn't like being so close to the washing machine. Elaine used to keep her in a room with a light on over night to make her stay awake during the day. I... working all day, home in the evening... am letting that be undone. I can sleep through hamster noise.


Only the first time when she was scared in the car. Drew blood. Other time was more "are you food? you smell like food." I gave her boiled egg today, animal protein ftw. I may buy mealworms for her.


As it stands, she has gotten into nocturnalism like a duck to water. I often find myself woken in the wee small hours  by the clatter of the chew toys I bought her being dragged up the cage wall. Also she's kicked all the litter over on one side and left her pee area uncovered. This was not the plan!


Have you seen GoT yet? You may never look at a loaf of bread the same way again. *fans self* Also, Eddison continues to be the best/sweetest/greatest ever.


Also, Targs aren't fireproof.


Wasn't at all. Apparently Natalie Tena has spoken out about the sex and nudity on the show. As in the unfairness, the closest we gotten to female gaze is Tormund eating some bread suggestively, and I'm pretty sure that was meant as comic relief... even if we are enjoying the gif a lot. (Although, I'd like... just once... someone to gif Edd's reaction. )


Pippin has hamster museli, edible wood chews with seeds in, berry flavoured drops (only as treats) and the occasional segment of my hard boiled eggs. She isn't so excited about the museli.


Ahh so that's what you meant about the bread. Must re-watch. Was it when he was eyeing up Brienne? I only realised he did that when I read the Guardian blog comments .

Sad if Natalie was written out due to that. Hard to know as peeps are bumped off left right and centre though.

Awww you're spoiling Pippin by the sounds of it 

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Yeah the second time at the dinner table, it's hilarious... but at the same time he's a big, strapping, hirsute fella... so It's also a tad hot. That said, I am more of an Edd fan.


I know the guy that played Ser Barristan Selmy was a book reader who had made comments, Iain Glen mentioned getting dissuaded from trying to read it by the show  runners. Book snobbery is frowned upon on set.


I am being good! Not spoiling... I swear...  she's allowed a tea spoon of muesli and up to 5 treats a day... she only gets 3 treats tops. *nods fervently*


I also liked Edd's expression right after, he seems to be the  only other person that noticed.

This must be what men felt like watching 80s Flake commercials...

Not sure how you missed it either. Well, maybe not "hot" in the traditional sense... I've always found big and hairy more interesting than pretty pretty. You know what I mean? For example I left Captain America: The First Avenger, a film containing both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, with a crush on Dum Dum Dugan. There may be something wrong with me...


I haven't really tried to pick her up yet. Especially now that I have a cold, which seemingly she can catch off me.


Yeh... Specsavers etc!  He gives her double barrel suggestive eyebrows and everything    And nope there's nothing wrong with you  big and hairy [and a bit of a bruiser ] is infinitely more seccsy *nods* 

Aww hope your cold gets better    ... would it cheer you up slightly to know Springwatch is back on the 30th May [ And Unsprung has changed to 6.30 pm ]? Get well soon xx



I am aware of Springwatch's return, but thank you all the same. On that note, from my new flat I can see a starlings nest, just where the gutter meets the drainpipe across the road. Both parents in and out busily. Fingers crossed I get to see the fledge.


I actually popped in because (this be more relevant if you've seen Wayne's World. I hope you have, it's excellent.), when Brienne first rides in and Tormund first clocks her... I got a song instantly in my head... been singing it ever since.


I'm not the only one! Yay internet!



They even included Edd's reaction.


 Lol that's utterly brilliant, thanks. Dreamweaver is used in a similar fashion in Wayne's World... but this is better. Its weird, but there's definite chemistry there.  

That's cool you have a view of the starling's nest.  Especially as they've been in decline. Hope you get to see some fledglings.

My brother saw an adult robin feeding a mealworm to a fledgling in his garden recently. From Springwatch I knew it was probably the dad showing it the ropes, while mum was off preparing for another brood again  


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