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I am behind on my internetting! *runs around the web panicking*


Anyway... Hello! How are you? I am in my flat, I am cosy, my livingroom is mostly chair.


I have seen GoT. *nods* Poor Walda... Walder too, since they changed his name to Wilas (Hodor... Do you want me to explain why that's annoying book readers?)


Tyrion has a hard time. Juggling three people's storylines... and that went better than it did in the book... Poor, poor Quentyn... three days it took him to die.


*Waves across internetland to Hitch*

 Aww glad its nice and cosy in your flat.... which you have furnished and decorated with your own fair hand  How does it feel to have your own homestead  Is it weird? 

Any GOT stuffs is always appreciated  but never worry there are more exciting things afoot. How did the moving go? 


It is. Weird yet cosy. I ordered smaller dimensioned seating, because I was worried about them getting through the narrow(er than my parent's flat) doors. They got in no bother... but they look massive in my tiny livingroom. Ah well... less carpet to hoover. *ahem*


GoT spoilers were leaked or the whole season... So far it's been accurate. A couple of things I'm looking forward too on a show only basis.


I'm sleeping fine. Hasn't been an issue. Helps, I think, that I'm up high above the insanely bright street lights that used to be right outside my bedroom... Dark is good for sleep.


Also, Dad has been ok. I haven't gotten a day to myself yet... So, looking forward to listen weekend... Except I wont have Saturday morning (Ruby's Communion... Ellidh's was today.), it has been busy busy.


T'is the season... but at least they don't make you show up for the confirmations nowadays. *nods*


Eurovision on Saturday. Are you partaking? I'm going to be watching the semi-finals too... If I remember...


Oh, and GoT... you seen it yet? Now TV pretty much has it up all day, you don't need to wait for Sky Atlantic to air it. I liked Edd. Everything Edd was quality. Eddison Tollett for the Iron Throne!


So... the new show will be called Grand Tour (GT for short). According to Jezza  "We'll be travelling the world hosting each episode in a different country, from a giant tent. It's a sort of 'grand tour', if you like. So we've decided to call it 'The Grand Tour’."

Ho-hum. S'allright. Naming it was always going to be difficult.


I did enjoy it. Petra is always an excellent hostess. Yes, I preferred other songs, but the European public deciding to flick the v at Putin is always funny. I like Austria, France and Bulgaria. What were your favourites.


I got the cage cleaned. Put the cage in an empty bath, let her crawl out... held out the open ball and made a beeline for it. So whilst she ran into walls explored the apartment, I got things done. *nod*


She's creamy with a white band and darker stripes below her ears... umm wee sec. *faffs about between facebook and photobucket*




Don't worry, I've changed the bedding to paper bedding, what with that fluffy stuff being dangerous for them.


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