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Yeah. I'm not a great sleeper, but kind of sometimes self-inflicted.


I sat in that house from 7am to 7pm... Last on the delivery list. That's what happens when you're too tight to pay for specific delivery timeslots. *nods*


ASOIAF helps. I'm not so much looking forward to GOT this year, as I am the essays on Tumblr. GOT hasn't been ASOIAF for a while now... and if that leaked episode is true, it's getting worse.

hh42 posted:

Have you seen it yet? What did you think?

 Not bad? I'm just glad to see Tyrion and Varys back. And also, Brienne doing her valiant thing. What did you think of it?

Was the end a deliberate in-joke I wonder???... teenage boys getting ready for another G.O.T. perv-in then... ewww  reverse reverse!!! 

Last edited by Former Member

I'm not so positive about it. Dorne was just completely illogical ("How shall we avenge father's death?" "Kill off his entire house?" "Sounds good"), Brienne isn't supposed to be an unstoppable killing machine...


I liked Edd. He's not Dolorous, he's snarky, but he's still likeable. I liked the Sansa/Theon hug, they grew up together... Although, I did miss Mance in that storyline.  Ghost was pretty. That was good.


Mel... GRRM has dropped the old hints a time or two... Only unsullied weren't expecting it... They just created a problem with their need to have Mel strip off at the drop of a hat (which she doesn't do in the book either... nor does she make advances on young men), they've shown her umpteen times without that blooming choker... Continuity!


Good points all *nods*

Yes! Theon was very sweet, and brave too. Dorne ... meh. Their world seemed so unconvincing and underwritten in the show. [ books were different, I know from reading the Guardian blog + btl comments ].

Still glad its back...I love Varys. His expressions are priceless.

Last edited by Former Member

Varys' eye rolls are the stuff of legends. *nods*


I'm mostly just waiting for the Winds of Winter (Hurry, George!). I wonder things... like will Rickon get POV chapters now? What'll happen to Pypar and Grenn since they died last season in a battle they survived... Grenn took someone else's place, but Pypar was random. Is my faith in Dolorous Edd naivety? Is Penny Tyrion's kid as is theorised?


So many questions!


Hello. I am sending this through my very own spiffy wifi. Which considering it's about 50mps slower than the one I had before, firefox seems to be skipping merrily on at a great pace... smooth as you like.


A woman in my work's daughter is giving hers up to a good home, only a couple of months old... She asked if I would like it (it's a small caged animal and the housing only want to know, in writing, if you are getting a cat or dog. Easier). So, hamster.


Can't wait until all this is finished though. Then we shall have better things to talk about... like Eurovision... or cartoons... or the fact that Ser Pounce is the greatest character in ASOIAF. *nods*

PS. I think the gulls are nesting above my head. Going to be noisy in a few weeks.


Excellent! *waves at Hitch in her new flat*  Awww its kind of you to take a wee homeless hammy in.  Will you re-name it?

No worries. Getting your own home is big stuffs!  Just think... you can have your dinner whenever you like!!!  To hell with it - you can go out without a coat! 

Bad luck about the gulls. They make a bleedin' racket its true   


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