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Ah! Bum... It'll come back around. I started a rewatch of Game of Thrones when I first got it. Made it as far as Baelor (Ned loses his head), and it went... I didn't restart when it came back on  though, didn't want to go through the Jory Cassel thing again. *glares at Jaime*


Maybe try Agent Carter? It's more actiony, for the adrenaline... and it's amazingly 40s. Also, Dum Dum Duggan shows up at one point, which made me happy... because Dum Dum.

Last edited by hh42

Thanks for the Agent Carter suggestion... I love 40's stuff *nods*. Aye, Hannibal will be around somewhere...  might save it for later in the year, when the nights draw in. I'm more in the mood for darker stuff then

Two and a half seasons of Deadwood still to get through  It has great characters and Ian McShane is excellent... though he must be the sweariest character in tv history !  Bleepin this bleepin that...


How are your home preparations going? 


Last edited by Former Member

Brilliant  Have you had difficulty choosing the stuff?

Reminds me....I spent so long deciding the sofa fabric in my old Dublin flat... in the end the man in the shop let me take home the big fabric sample folder so I could compare them against my decor   It was months before I could decide on a table  I'm sure you're more decisive 


Aww that's good  By googling, do you mean freecycling and that? If you knew where to look, there's probably lots of furniture and second hand white goods about. Remember when TG went to the Rubbish Recycling place... the amount of perfectly nice stuff being chucked out!!  The boys were buying stuff and just chucking it in straight afterwards, IIRC 

Nothing wrong with bin-hoking   ...I rescued a lovely wicker chair, little cabinet, and other odds and ends, abandoned in the meter [general dumping] room here. 


Happy dancing shall have to wait. For today I ordered white goods! *poses dramatically* umm... and sofa... but that'll take three weeks...


So tomorrow, I am potentially sitting in a house for up to 12 hours... waiting... then again on the following Saturday. I shall hoover and listen to more ASOIAF.


Possibly cry about the cost of everything too...


Anyhow, how are things in Rogerland?

Last edited by hh42

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