Brain stopped. Let's think of other things. *nods* How have you been?
Awww you ok? have you signed? When will moving commence?
I'm doing allright ta, signed up for 6 months of Now tv [Sky tv and movies] mainly to keep me amused on the treadmill. Currently watching The Walking Dead then there's G.O.T. to look forward to. My pixie place went down... and seeing as there was a good deal on Now, I went for it. I don't mind paying as long as its not extortionate.
I am ok, signed, first lot of rent paid... Going to buy paint tomorrow, fix the hideous. *nods*
Cool. I've got Nowtv too. Just TV though, I couldn't justify the movies... especially with the range being so small. Mostly watching Last Week Tonight and the Daily Show. Game of Thrones'll be back soon too. So... there's that.
Good luck with everything, sounds like you have a lot to do That decor gotta go!
There was an introductory offer on the Now site, 6 months tv and movies for ÂĢ49.99. Will probably cancel after that.
Not bad for 6 months.
Started painting walls, but as I was in work today... taking a day off. Need to do layers. Also, my rent card has me down as "Mr"... my manly French diminutive name must've confused them. *rolls eyes*. Good news though, I suspect gas is cheap. The meter was on Emergency when I got the keys, I topped it up... It took the debt "I" owed, and 0.20 to refill the emergency. The emergency for the electric is ÂĢ12... the gas... 20p? Seriously?
Anyway, sorry for not being in for a few days, much happening.
Awww no worries at all Hitch Exciting times!
How does it feel having your own place, finally?
I hope all the appliances and stuff work ok.
Lot to do, lot to do... painting in layers eh? Very professional
ps are you still at the same dragony hotmail email address?... want to send you something
I have to. It doesn't work otherwise. It's painfully dull. I have that one, the google one. You don't have to send anything, except good wishes. *nods*
But...but... its good luck to give a small gift when someone moves into their new home. Can't have you incurring bad luck!
It'll only be small don't worry. I have a dragony hotmail address for you [ not a google one ] is it ok to use that?
I haven't used that in a while. Try that same username with That said. I will have other gifts. It is lovely of you to consider a gift. I will accept a funny pic I can print out. Perfectly acceptable. *nods*
Ah don't mention it! When I got my first proper flat, people bought me things for good luck. Gotta go with tradition! Plus you'll be needing a lot of stuffs *nods*
How are you settling in? Have you actually moved in yet or waiting til the decorating is done?
"Small gift" *side eye* Small... I am very grateful. I think you've put towards a hoover. *nods* So, thank you.
I'm waiting until the decorating is done, can't get carpets down until I finish the walls, blinds too. I drip everywhere. I can't get white goods until the kitchen is lino'ed. It's all very confusing.
You're very welcome Hitch... hope it went through ok.
Uh-oh ... sounds like you've a massive job ahead of you. What kind of colour scheme you thinking of? *is excited by proxy*
It did, and now Amazon are sending me a shiny hoover.
For the living room I've painted the walls lilac (if you still have your facebook, there's a before after shot there). I'm thinking light grey carpet, sofa and blinds. Add lilac cushions. Tada!
Kitchen opens into living room, so that's getting the same lilac paint. Bathroom is teal-ish, but looks bluer without any natural light. Bedroom, reddish paint... Hall I have no idea... it's currently the same dark blue the living room was. Have no idea about floors... will see.
Oooh me like! Me like! Sounds calming and peaceful, a lilac and light grey combination. You could relax after a long day in that environment.
Red walls for the bedroom! Like a proper boudoir ! Which I'm all for by the way *nods enthusiastically*
It's not really a boudoir-y red. It's somewhere between a dusky pink and a terracotta. Which sounds really weird... That was no help... sorry.
Although, boudoir would be ironic... considering that I'm planning my foray into cat-lady territory.
Oh b.t.w was thinking of giving Hannibal a go. Take it you'd recommend it Hitch? Could you please give me a mini review ... eg is it fast paced or slow burn?
I'm looking for something exciting to keep me going on the treadmill. The Walking Dead was perfect - so scary the adrenaline was already pumping!
Hannibal I would recommend. It's not fast paced, It's visually stunning... but gory. It makes Frederick Chilton likeable (RaÚl Esparza... I mean...). Also, and this is the main thing, it has puppies. Lots of puppies. And, puns... loudly implied cannibalism at all turns. Amazing.
I don't think it would get your adrenaline pumping. But, Now tv has all three seasons I think... no reason to not give it a try.
Puppies? Right, I'm sold. Plus... we normally like the same things so...
Hope all your preparations going ok. Must be a bit hectic?
Getting measured for blinds tomorrow at 9am. 9am. I need to go through clothes too... Lots of old stuff from the 90s that needs to get chucked/recycled buried somewhere. Nafnaf sweaters and such like. My sock drawer is a travesty... that needs sorted... I mean most of my socks are holey. But I bought a cheese grater today, so there's that. It's purple.