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BBC announcment a few minutes ago:


Formula 1 commentator Eddie Jordan and German racing driver Sabine Schmitz are to join the new series of Top Gear.


Motor journalist Chris Harris and TV presenter Rory Reid have also been signed to co-present the programme.


They will join Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc when the BBC Two programme returns in May.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Yes... there'll be a never-ending supply 

There was a programme on BBC2 tonight called Back in Time for The Weekend - it said the hot summer of 1976 led to a reduction in aphids meaning there were swarms of ladybirds and reports of them biting people.!!!

I feel like a conspiracy theorist who's finally been proven right  

hh42 posted:

Oh... I'm impressed you wound it. I hate using the full name as it's an awkward mouthful. Was there a google "Did you mean..."?

No   I found the full title but knew it would be the sort of quirky thing you'd like Hitch?

It gave me a real chuckle as even though P + P is a really good book, we were taught it for O Level, by the most uptight rules-tastic teacher ever .  She almost ruined the fun of reading it by going through it in strictly set out chunks + giving us quotes to learn per week. That particular teacher would be having a fit if she read this version!!! Somehow I think Jane Austen would approve too as she had quite a sarky sense of humour   

Last edited by Former Member

I have to admit, not too keen on the book ("& Zombies", not the Austen original. I love that.) The movie missed out the storyline I was most interested in (Charlotte and Mr Collins... rather different to the overly practical arrangement Austen wrote).

Actually, not keen on zombies either... Really, not sure why I wanted to see this movie so much...

Never got it in school. I was in a mid-level English class. Even though I'd read it a few times already. If you get a chance, check it out.


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