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Sorry you've been so ill  Aww thats bad luck. Hope it was an ok Birthday, despite it 

Glad you're enjoying a good spree on Amazon - Dr Shopping to the rescue.

Christmas and Halloween are the only times I indulge in alcohol so this year I had the bright idea of mulled cider [with rum a la Nigella ] and hot whiskies. Ooo-errrr... have only vague memories of Christmas [and thats why I haven't been in, sorry ]. Oh well it passed off peacefully. Got some lovely gifts including various twinings herbal teas which I shall be toasting the New Year in with ! 

Happy Hogmanay xx 


I shall make a valiant effort... Never fear!

Yeah, the game gives you the option not to fight anyone, but to win them over instead. You can play pacifist, neutral, or genocide. Depending how you choose to play completely changes the story of the game. But, they remember vaguely... so if you genocide your first run, you can never get the true pacifist ending. (unless you do a full reset... which I guess means a clean install.)

The character in my new avatar, Sans, is the most interesting... but his brother, Papyrus, is my favourite.


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