It's unusual to see Anton get someone decent. I'm weirded out by this.
Poor old Anton
So... are you getting ready for Christmas?
Not yet. I am the most unprepared for xmas ever. You started yet?
Gosh this is late for you!!!
I've been browsing + putting things in baskets, that's about it.
Ohh my... It'll be strange not to have a TG Christmas special this year won't it
Yeah. Dad's birthday next week... I am at a loss.
Never thought about that. Doubt I'll want to pay Amazon one if they do it.
In other news, I was an owl perch.
You were? More details please
They get owls in the primary I clean every year. The kids get to lie down and get flown over by the barn owl. Adults in the school get to put on the glove and be the ending point for the owl. I done it twice.
No way!! Thats amazing!
Lucky lucky you Hitch
What was the owl like?
A beautiful, fluffy cloud with pointy bits.
Seeing it coming towards you, it's a weird feeling. It's stunning, but you're glad not a vole.
Must have been incredible to see [and hold] one up close *jealous sigh*
It was. No weight to it at all.
Funny, I always imagined they'd be heavy muscular birds.
*still jealous*
Mostly feathers, I think. Hollow bones too. I will never do anything else as cool.
Such a cool thing to do. And you love Owls anyway, due to Harry Potter
Now you mention it, I seem to remember CP explaining about the hollow bones
Are you sorted for your Dad's Birthday? Will there be a cake?
There will be Old Spice and a card. *serious nod* It is done.
I went to Clydebank today and Christmas has been acquired. *another serious nods*
Very efficient. Very impressed
I'm still hmmming and haaahing looking at stuffs
Wilkinsons. They have lots of wee cute things that can be grouped together.
Sorry to mention it but I's so delighted Ireland got through the play offs
Martin O'Neill is a fantastic manager, you were right
*applauds* I am happy for you.
Yes. Never doubt Martin.
Thanks Hitch
Ref was a bit of a Mr Magoo.... luck went our way for once Hope the same luck falls your way, as Scotland has some decent players