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Just planning the usual... spooky films, stories + music to get in the mood and getting a Halloween shop on Monday. Its hard to get sparklers here though Tesco don't stock them. Asda seem to [hopefully]. Do people light sparklers up in Scotland?


No guisers/kids however... bliss! . I live by the Marina [ which makes it sound posher than it is ]. Not really a family area, mostly small apartments. And my building intercom is broken anyway  Not that I'm a skinflint about giving    *coff*

Are you getting guisers at the door... what do you give them?


Sparklers is more a Guy Fawkes thing... Not keen on fireworks in general to be honest.


Spooky movies are always a good plan.


Yeah... we get a couple. Avon lady brings her kids and a bunch of their friends. Got three kids in our close... and the junkies that moved away's kids'll probably turn up too... I hope we have enough sweets. (Need to stop picking at them.)


Ahhh...The optimum amount of guisers /kids?  


Sparklers remind me of childhood Halloweens. Err...Guy Fawkes wasn't celebrated much here  Sparklers were all we had because fireworks were banned in NI [ only the big organised display things were allowed ].


The BEST things though were these special leaves my Nana had in her garden - she'd throw them in her bonfire and they'd go off like firecrackers  


 They do like a bonfire up that way, yes. 


Umm.. they were magic leaves?  Not sure of the name, but they were dark green, shiny and leaf shaped!


Just finished my pumpkin and its lit now, looking at me - made a papier mache one this year. Probably less time and effort went into completing the Sistine Chapel lol. 


Its rubbish in daylight - but excellent lit up  Its the iconic Halloween [1978] pumpkin, same as last year. That's the only type of pumpkin face I really like / find scary. Maybe its cos that was the  first scary film I ever saw as a child so that primitive pumpkin face terrifies me?  


Son of Bartholomew eh?  Who's that...


Oh  ... good luck as those would be fairly fiddly to carve?


Here's mine:



As you can see its an absolute work of art  The grooved effect was created with string and orange post it notes were used for the top layer. Slight bit of shading with orange felt pen for that realistic touch


 Ok... it looks like Gordon the Gopher by day... but its surprisingly scary by night 

Last edited by Former Member

Tonight'll be Hallowe'en Strictly and jumping up excitedly for guisers... followed by spooky movies. Maybe see if it'll let me past the fourth night on FNAF. Yourself?


Spoopy I think came from a badly designed Hallowe'en decoration Tumblr found... No idea if it has taken on a meaning all of it's own. Unlike "cinnamon roll", which has evolved rapidly.


Missed Strictly, was it good?...


Halloween and Christmas are the only times I drink... tend to go a bit wayward, sorry 


Woke up a bit worse for wear but just made myself a sweet old fashioned... [ Don Draper's favourite cocktail ] and have a bottle of Jameson's [ yep his other favourite drink ] and will watch an assortment of favourite MM episodes through today...


See you on the other side 


Last edited by Former Member

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