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Yay Hitch! I too valiantly resist techno-gadget-conspicuous consumerism. I don't like eejits who have to have ( and be seen to have ) the latest thing. I had that beloved bog standard portable telly for ten years, it served me well 

Luckily my brother Owen gave me a ÂĢ150 Amazon voucher for xmas, looks like it'll come in handy now
nah.. i love my wee walkman. could never do that to him. i'll replace him when he dies. (hopefully not for a good long while.) i'm a wee bit too animist for that... i gave my henry hoover in work a double barrelled name  (henry bodlington-smythe, he just seems posh since we circumnavigate the upper school).... my mop is called betty. *ahem*

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