Ooooh! *is tempted*
The blackbird would be lovely... they have a lovely call... think I've heard it a couple of times here... they sing in the night don't they. It didn't stay.
I'd imagine they have, thrushes? Right? I've never managed to differentiate bird songs from one another.
Today, I met Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
*Googles* Looks like a hefty chap! Where did you meet him?
I've a soft spot for wrestling since watching it as a kid in the 70's...
He and Ted Dibiase were at Glasgow film and comic con this weekend. I went along yesterday.
How cool. Did you have a good time, and what was there?
Yeah. Not as many good panels as past years, but I saw Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch), Ted Dibiase and Jim Duggan with Noam somebody and Grado (Scottish wrestler, occasionally in the soap River City.), then there was a Doctor Who panel with all companions... one of whom was Strax.
I got two Kaiju DVD's, three Funko Pops (including Peggy Carter! Hurrah!), a wee Sailor Pluto plushie and a signed photo of Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who was lovely.
Sounds a brilliant day out Had to google most of those, but even I
know who Thrax is!!!
It was. Thrax?
It was. Thrax?
I did it again!! Told you I'd gone Gaga
Anyway I know who he is, he's the big egghead one from Dr Who.
*just nod and smile at me*
Well, potato head, but yeah... I got you.
I have my book...
Oooh oooh! Which book?
By the way, what do you think of the Strictly line up this year ?
The Shepherd's Crown... last Discworld book. I'm halfway through it... the crying has been loud and ugly. I'm glad it arrived at the weekend.
as for Strictly, not heard the whole line-up yet... not heard of many of those at that. I think we may be supporting Daniel O'Donnell in this house.
I hear CBB has started? Any actual celebs on it?
Oh of course... must be a very sad feeling
Its not a great CBB lineup. I was actually relieved to see Bobby Davro!
Three news agencies blabbed a major spoiler. I didn't get spoiled, but hearing that there was a spoiler I worked it out fairly fast. Didn't stop the blubbing when I got to it though.
I see Burnside from the Bill is there. Is he any good?
Its so sad. I know how you love TP
Ummm... Burnside has been one of the quieter hms so far. Maybe when the loudies [mainly RLTV veterans ] have gone we'll see more of him.
Thank you.
I guess it would be hard to get a word in with Janice around.
What did you think of the book ? Did TP know it would be his last
Wonderful. The crying at the death and the two or three chapters after wasn't the normal little sniff and a single rolling tear... it was utter devastation. It was nicely handled though, and Death's clear admiration was warming. The conclusion was joyous, the laughs were still there... never far with the Feegles.
Just need to wait a couple of months before the facebook fanpage can chat properly (it's only out in the US tomorrow. We are being nice.. but it's so hard.)
Did you see the articles in the guardian today? Jonathan Jones is a nasty, snobby man.