Sunny but coolish here. Feels more like Spring than midsummer actually.
Its great they're back a bit of a wait to next year though.
How are you keeping, Hopefully no more migraines? Must be awful things to suffer from, poor Hitch xx
Sunny but coolish here. Feels more like Spring than midsummer actually.
Its great they're back a bit of a wait to next year though.
How are you keeping, Hopefully no more migraines? Must be awful things to suffer from, poor Hitch xx
Seems to have turned to Autumn here.
Indeed. *waits impatiently*
I'm alright. Not for a week or two. But, currently got a bee in my bonnet about Neil Gaiman saying brits pronounce migraine as "mee-grain"... Which we don't! (I asked English people in case it was an English thing. No one will admit to it.)
Nobody pronounces migraine as mee-grain! Don't think I've even heard it once?
Ah well, at least you're free of 'em for now xx
See... we thought it was the Americans that said it like that, but apparently not. Anyhow, we've decided if anyone does say it, it's the same people that say Kenya as "keen-yah". You know the ones...
Recommendation: Markiplier's play-through of 5 Nights at Freddy's on youtube... I shrieked at one point. Scary.
I know the ones indeed
Scary eh? Like what ... like The Ring scary? That's the last time I was scared[ish].
Indeed. 2nd and 3rd you get used to the jumpscares... then the forth one comes around and... ahhhhhh!
Gulp Maybe I'll keep it for Halloween?
I'm a card-carrying Wuss Haven't watched a single thing on the Horror Channel on Freeview yet!
The horror channel is fun. Maybe ease yourself in with Wonder Woman? She's not scary. If Christmas Evil comes around, watch that... it was on again the other week... they generally come around again quite quickly. There's a Spanish movie called (I think) Sexy Killer, about a fashion student serial killer. It's quite funny. Oh.. and Popcorn. Not sure if I liked that or just got excited by the movie posters in the cinema lobby (seen that! and that!).
5 Nights at Freddy's, if you watch the Markiplier play-throughs you can concentrate on his reactions if you think the game is getting too intense. Hilarious.
Thanks for these shall look out for these stuffs as the nights draw in
I can't really do spooky in the Summer? Must be my northern / celtic blood or summat? Long dark nights are the time for dark thoughts...
I can do spooky all year round. I'm all about the spook.
I can do spooky all year round. I'm all about the spook.
Anyhow... you what's scary and I don't like?
*dramatic tension*
Back to work soon.
Awww shame xx
Ah well... has to happen.
Have you found a Mad Men replacement yet?
Not yet
How are you keeping, and when do you have to go back?
I started back at the cleaning a week last Tuesday. Big clean... but get it over with early in the day... and have the rest of the day free... back at the kitchen next Wednesday.
I've been on youtube far too often, I'm forgetting to go everywhere else. Watched a lot more Markiplier horror game playlists and the first 50 episodes of Steven Universe. The song in that 50th episode is amazing, and makes me glad Garnet is a capricorn gem. *nods*
Sounds like a good source of programmes. Funny, I only ever use it for cheapo music or cute animal vids. [ I'm trying to avoid the latter due to their highly addictive nature ].
It's not great for tv... Sometimes audio or picture has to be changed to fool youtube's "you shouldn't have posted that" algorithm. For example, the Steven Universe I'm watching is cropped in from the sides and bottom.. but as long as you can see what's happening.
Animal videos are. I think a large part of my tumblr is random animal reblogs.
Ooh, ta Hitch I'm always learning tech stuffs from you. You young whippersnappers with your new fangled ways
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