Oh and I watched TG... very sad quiet goodbye at the end
Yes that guy, with the blue face and red eyes. Creeped me out. More than the wights and white walkers at Hardhome.
TG. It was very fun... and then the end happened...
They'll be back... bigger and better. Or to be precise, more ambitious and more rubbish than ever Who needs the BBC?
We live in the times of Netflix, Amazon Instant... and pixies.
How you keeping? Is it hot where you are?
Mostly the pixies, as I'm on NowTV and not paying for another service. Ambitiouser and rubbishier!
I'm alright. Not been too bad here, It was extremely muggy a couple of nights ago (Tried to sleep without the covers. Got sleep paralysis. Got scared. Cocooned self in duvet. Unhealthy.), and I think we had thunder last night. Nothing liike down south I reckon.
How are you? Been warm there?
You had sleep paralysis Eeek that must be terrifying. Are you ok now?
Yes been hot here though not too bad at night thankfully. I'm doing ok ta. Claudia my therapist is lovely - but it might be a long haul. Lot to work through.
You get used to it. Been over 20 years.
Did you get any of the thunder the other night? Glad it's not been too bad. Nothing comes easy... I'll be here cheering you from the sidelines, if you like.
Aww ta thats a lovely thing to say *gives Hitch an ungainly hug*
No thunder - thank goodness - that's another thing I'm a wuss about Did you have any?
Kit Harrington has been spotted at Wimbledon with long locks - he's dying to get them shorn but his G.O.T contract forbids it. This could be good news? Wonder will they develop the conspiracy theory Isn't it something to do with him being the lovechild of a Targaryen?
*hugs back*
I think we had a bit, but I slept through most of it.
R+L=J... possibly... the dragon has three heads... possibly... there may be another one... possibly... not the one the book want you to think... possibly...
So, in conclusion... possibly...
*shifty theory/spoilers eyes*
So Rhaegar and Lyanna... possibly, but possibly something else completely. Gotcha.
It's all very "possibly". Hopefully Winds of Winter will come out soonish. I'd like more of a clue.
Oh and to answer a previous question... Richard Hammond's goatee beard is wrong just wrong! Makes him look nefarious.
Nefarious! Excellent description. More a villain to go up against Neil Connery, than Sean. *nods*
Still chuckling at that... any ideas for his villain name... Pintsize, perhaps?
Wonder how the new show will differ? Would love to see more road trips. They're so funny when they're miserable. What would you like yourself?
Pintsize is perfect.
Yes, miserable, prank-filled road trips in old bangers that they fall grudgingly in love with. (If we are talking the proper three... not Evans.)
Yes Ahhh no-one does it better.
Someone on my facebook posted a picture of Richard by one of the empty time boards... captioned "a list of everyone that's going to watch Evans' Top Gear."
How are you? Are you off on your hols soon?
Been off on holiday since a week last Wednesday... Or two weeks.. getting confused. Not going anywhere. Nowhere to go.
Aww nowhere? Could you not head off somewhere? Just you Mixty and the open road maaaan