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Mostly the pixies, as I'm on NowTV and not paying for another service. Ambitiouser and rubbishier!


I'm alright. Not been too bad here, It was extremely muggy a couple of nights ago (Tried to sleep without the covers. Got sleep paralysis. Got scared. Cocooned self in duvet. Unhealthy.), and I think we had thunder last night. Nothing liike down south I reckon.


How are you? Been warm there?


Aww ta thats a lovely thing to say *gives Hitch an ungainly hug* 


No thunder - thank goodness - that's another thing I'm a wuss about  Did you have any?


Kit Harrington has been spotted at Wimbledon with long locks - he's dying to get them shorn but his G.O.T contract forbids it. This could be good news? Wonder will they develop the conspiracy theory  Isn't it something to do with him being the lovechild of a Targaryen? 


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