It was. Not sure if it was over nesting space or attempted chick eating.
Thanks! Yay!
Is a bit. Fingers crossed for somewhere we can easily watch. *nods*
We will, by the power of the pixies!!!
Last episode of TG this Sunday . Proper TG that is. Nothing could induce me to watch the Chris Evans version.
*sobs* I shall miss them all!
*sobs* I shall miss them all!
Aww Hitch... they'll be back
There is life outside the BBC!!!
Jezza seems a pretty smart guy underneath the buffoonery - bet he'll devise a new programme that's even better now he's not constrained Though is that necessarily a good thing?
Better than anything Chris'll do. *nods*
Slightly tempered by the horror of Richard's beard and James' jacket... but still... SADNESS!
I couldn't bring myself to watch it... always hated goodbyes. Will save it and watch it later. Maybe as a refresher closer to the launch of the new show.
Was it good?
It was. The films were nice and funny. I would watch if I were you. Bittersweet, though it is.
Ok... iplayer it is.
*steels myself to wibble... or worse.... gulp*
So... How'd it go? What did you think of that beard?
Haven't watched it yet Getting an Asda grocery shop delivered tomorrow... will watch TG with a nice meal and dessert to mark the occasion. [ sometimes I do that with telly, its sad
]. Then the last two eps of G.O.T. to make it a triple bill.
How's you be?
Ok, that sounds nice. Enjoy.
Then after we can discuss both. Will be interested to get a non-asoiaf reader opinion. *nods*
Well... did G.O.T. today ....thats all the wibbling I can take for now!
Second last episode has the wibbling. I am not a happy bunny. Although, the last episode robbed me of Davos getting his hands on Stannis when he finds out. Hopefully, he'll take it out on Mel.
Saw a spolier so kind of knew the bonfire thing was coming. I'm more upset about Arya [ one of my favourites ] than Jon ... although you never know, it might not spell the end?
At least we got to see Drogon... he's like a bad wee doggy. He needs trained!
Arya? Oh yeah... nah that doesn't last long, but then it happens for a completely different reason in the book... and time... much like most things in the show. Context? What's context?
They started hinting at a major Jon based theory. So not sure were the Ides of Marsh are leaving us.
Drogon has been a naughty boy, and she should be more burnt than she is... He flames her before she tames him and flies off.
Worst thing for me... in all 5 seasons... Ser Robert Strong's face visible through his helmet. (Do you want an explanation of him? Or save it for season 6? There have been clues in Qyburn's scenes.)