I'd rather they sent Martin...
Don't worry. I won't try to woo anyone... I'll be all exploded because I saw the new Avengers movie today, but it hasn't screened in the US yet so I can't talk about it. I'm near bursting.
You can to me Ooh ooh was it good?
It was good. *nods enthusiastically* James Spader's Ultron is perfect. A lot of funny moments, great action sequences, buttload of cameos with an interesting pay off at the end.
Apparently, Joss Whedon had it at over 3 hours, but it got cut down to 1:44... I want deleted scenes... Especially Thor's bit, didn't make much sense cut down.
That's a whopping chunk to take out. Any chance of them releasing a longer cut on DVD? Glad you enjoyed it
In other news, the nasturtiums are growing fast. They must have heard your command.
Good work little flowers! Keep it up!
TG boys out and about together so it looks promising? RH and James also spotted coming out of the BBC so maybe its the best of both worlds - James will continue to work on BBC and do a Top Geary thing elsewhere? I really hope so.
Hopefully, good signs all.
Also, excellent news today... new Red Dwarf seasons have been announced.
Yay!! That's brilliant news
Care to join me in a happy dance?
Don't mind if I do. *happy dances*
Numfar joins us too.
*comes back from googling*
Very funny and not dissimilar to my own dancing style!!!
Ah... it didn't embed properly. Boo.
Glad you got to see it anyway.
I loved that episode.
I liked it People have been known to mock my dancing
... but now I have a new idol... Numfar!
I never dance. Dancing is for other people. *nods* No dancing.
Did you know Numfar was Joss Whedon?
Our intrepid Springwatch people have bee wearing stockings... for science... *raises eyebrow* At least Martin, Michela and Iolo have...
No didn't know... he's had a varied career hasn't he?
Wearing stockings for science? For why? *raises eyebrow too*
I guess we shall find out on Springwatch, since Packham is not spilling.
He has indeed. He's been getting a bit of hassle lately, had to quit his twitter.
Oh b.t.w had a quick peek at Marble Hornets... spooky. Is it like The Ring or something?
Sort of. Spooky indeed, first season's the spookiest. And then when people point out the Operator is just standing there and you never nothiced him in some scenes... eep!