Speaking of which... how would you rate the latest G.O.t? Is it just me or does it seem a bit slow? Perhaps I'm over stimulated adrenaline-wise after The Walking Dead. That was gore-tastic
The first episode was slow... but that said, in the first four episodes the plot moves along very quickly... especially Cersei's.
Yes, this is true *nods*
Don't know why but I'm far more interested in what's happening north of the wall. I have a secret liking for the White Walkers.
I don't know if we'll see north of the wall much this season... Bran and Hodor aren't listed in the cast. We'll see... because fans are really needing to find out just one thing from that storyline.
Ah I see. Bran could almost be a man next time we see him! [Rate he's growing at, especially]
Anyways... how are you? How have you been healthwise?
Yeah... having a hard time seeing Arya as a 9 year old as it is. Ironically, Misandei is 10 in the books... every time the show tries to romanticly link her to Grey Worm it's skeeves me out... because in my head she's still 10.
I was doing well... until today. Migraine. Hiding it because I didn't want to go to bed just yet. How have you been?
Aww no how rotten, sorry Hitch
Did they ever find the cause or suggest treatment to help with them?
I'm ok thanks, some seedlings have sprouted so hoping they make it this time.
I haven't been to the doctor... I doubt I will... I think it's just cola cold turkey.
*Cheers on seedlings* C'mon little seedlings! You can do it!
You have a cola habit...aww so cute.
Thanks, I hope the seedlings listen up Nasturtiums are doing best so far.
It's not cute... You know they tell you it rots your stomach? It really does. I've been on stomach re-lining medication already. And it's bad for my skin too. *nods* It's such a naff addiction though.
Well done Nasturiums!
It's not cute... You know they tell you it rots your stomach? It really does. I've been on stomach re-lining medication already.
Oh nooo! I'd no idea, sorry. Poor Hitch.
I used to drink two, two litre bottles of diet coke a day then... I'm not quite that bad.
Anyhow, how's the weather where you are? Quite nice here, keep raiding the ice cream parlour round the corner. Yum.
Oooh you have an ice cream parlour round the corner? Heaven!
Its been mostly sunny here since Easter - lovely it is too. Did I tell you my brother set up a camera by his bird feeder? He's sent me great clips... should keep me going to Springwatch.
TG on Netflix with the same trio AND main producer guy on board to boot?mainproducerhttp://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/apr/24/ex-top-gear-producer-jeremy-clarksons-departure-a-tragedy
Not got Netflix... Got a Now TV box. (I can now watch GoT without pixies.) Maybe pixies will help with TG?
Oh excellent. Still getting the same bird? Was it a robin?
We do. With many interesting flavours... my favourite being banana.
Of course! TG was one of the main shows down my local pixie establishmnet!
The robins have disappeared lately [ Scandi immigrants heading back for Summer?]. Its mostly blue tit, great tit and he thinks even a baby coal tit. And starlings, lots of starlings hoovering up the food. He moved a hanging basket close by the feeder as the starlings were using that as a "stepping stone". Being slightly bigger birds they're less agile + can't fly directly to the window feeder like the wee ones.
I miss having a garden - all you can see here are pidgies, gulls and the odd magpie Yourself?
Here I have seen:
Pigeons, magpies, crows, jackdaws, a rook, seagulls, starlings, sparrows, long tailed tits, blackbirds, robins, swans, herons, ducks (last three get lost trying to find the park a lot) and lots of wee small things I couldn't identify. Also a canary once... that was worrying, because I couldn't do anything about it. The park has coots and grebes, that's only a block away. Quite a good area for this, even though it's an industrial area in the middle of a city, nearby park and old railway embankment are great habitats.
Also, one time a raptor of some variety landed in the school yard and ate a pigeon in full view of the primary three classrooms. This I, sadly, did not see.
That's a good range. Lovely to hear there are bits of habitat near you Hitch.
My Bruv works near Bellyfast city airport [its only a small airport quite near the city centre] The scrubland around it has been colonised by rabbits. Rabbits! In the middle of the city! They hop round outside his office building There's also a RSPB reserve nearby. Its lovely the way wild things adapt to whatever bit of land they can find isn't it?
We seeming have rabbits too. I've never seen any, but I guess we wouldn't have so many foxes if we didn't. Loads of squirrels and rats (river rats, yay.), I have seen hedgehogs, but they were unfortunately squished.
It is amazing. Tenements become cliff faces, high rises eyries.
It is amazing. Springwatch could film your place as one of their Urban Wildlife features!!! You could woo Chris with one of your cakes