I'll watch it after Metal Hammer. Can't miss Mr Milas.
Metal Hammer, eh? Is this a new thing?
No no... radio show. Used to be on Rock Radio until they changed their name to Real XS, now on Team Rock Radio. Got moved to an earlier slot, annoyingly, used to find it relaxing before sleep... but the show in that slot now has a host with high-pitch, excitable shouty dj voice. Not as good as softly spoken Milas.
Ah yes.... you can't beat a bit of raaawk! I like Kerrang [rock radio station on freeview ] Listen to it on the exercise bike - pedalling furiously and headbanging - I must look a sight
I find metal weirdly soothing. Even when it's all screamy and thrash... I can't work that one out logically. I used to keep Kerrang's tv channel on as background noise... but it's playlist verges a bit too much to the newer stuff, and it was one of those public-selecting_the_videos channels.
Have you ever heard screamo? It's like emo, without any of the melodic bits... it's weird.
I must check out this screamo... you're always introducing me to new stuffs, ta.
The screamo wasn't a recommendation. More like me showing my age... Young people! Wouldn't know good music if it kicked them up the bum. *shakes head*
*Shakes head in agreement, waves walking stick for good measure*
Must show you this my brother took this pic of a robin at his window feeder. Its a regular + and loves mealworms especially. Isn't it cute ?
Ooh! Excellent photo. Doesn't seem bothered about someone being on the other side of the glass.
Nope it doesn't Apparently its pretty cheeky... hops around when he's gardening. The blue tits are much shyer and fly away if they see movement.
I remember Springwatch saying robins are pretty feisty - they biff up other robins encroaching on their territory
There's a well known photo of a robin drop-kicking a larger bird off a feeder.
There's a well known photo of a robin drop-kicking a larger bird off a feeder.
Just searched... is this the one? Oh man thats a bad@ss robin
That's the bunny. I'm never messing with a robin. No siree!
Nor me!
Good luck to Scotland in the rugby tomorrow
Thank you. Fingers crossed, but Wales, you know... Not so confident about Italy today either.
Bad luck Scotland ... aaarghh so close.
So, so close! Next up Italy, I think? That's a possibly...