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Well... with my birthday/xmas money from parents/work/aunt R I got a Blu-ray player (dvd player is over ten years old, on the road out), The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (my first Blu-ray.), Pokemon Omega Ruby and a second-hand Professor Layton game. Still have money left, not doing as well as last year with that though, I still had some in July *ahem*. Then there's smelly stuff, socks and nail varnish and a bottle of bicardi.


How did you do? Anything special?


This is a gas mark 3... I have no idea what happened to the book... I'm too lazy to copy it out. *ahem*

Sift in flour and baking powder, then add everything else and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Middle (or high-ish) shelf in the oven. If it browns/burns too quickly put tinfoil loosely over it.


Umm... Springwatch... May is it? Normally?


Nice cake. Reminds me I got a mini cupcake kit for my birthday. Teeny, pointy cups.


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