Merry Christmas.
Sorry I haven't been in.... RL stuff Christmas isn't a good time for me. Oh carp I thought you birthday was the 28th for some reason
Sorry for missing it
Happy Belated Birthday ! xx
That's ok, I understand. *hugs*
Did birthday things today anyway... as witnessed by my Fili feels. *nods* (Hobbit)
That was very nice, thank you. I now need a real life Pringles cake... or just Pringles, I have those.
So soooorrry
I think I had a hangover mixed with food poisoning, Didn't even eat any turkey til yesterday as the thought of food made me green. Glad you had a good Hobbity Birthday!
Oh gods... Not good at all. I was wondering where you'd got to, started to get a bit worried.
No sorry, don't be sorry. *nods*
I will say a cheery thing. My wee cousin got a kitten for her birthday today. It's called "Olly Purrs". As much as I love a pun... I'm not sure I approve.
Awww...umm well she can always shorten it to Olly eventually
Did you get any nice stuffs for Christmas and your Birthday ?
Well... with my birthday/xmas money from parents/work/aunt R I got a Blu-ray player (dvd player is over ten years old, on the road out), The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (my first Blu-ray.), Pokemon Omega Ruby and a second-hand Professor Layton game. Still have money left, not doing as well as last year with that though, I still had some in July *ahem*. Then there's smelly stuff, socks and nail varnish and a bottle of bicardi.
How did you do? Anything special?
Oh mannn! Baking is hard
You think so? I've never had much trouble. Though I've never done a Madeira - for some reason!
Happy Hogmanay.
Madeira's the best cake of all. You can ice it or you can just eat it as is. It's wonderful.
Yes, I just had some the other day....and it got me to wondering why I had never made one myself.
I got a few bits and pieces for the flat for Christmas, cutlery, storage boxes, candles Lots of small things like bath sets. Also got lots of chocolates [ too polite to say I'm on a diet - I shall do my duty and eat em however ] and work them off on the exercise bike.
Happy Hogmanay !
Do it! It's easy... If you want my recipe?
Candles, they've got very popular as gifts this year... thankfully cut down my chocolate haul... still got too much chocolate, I don't want to eat it.
Do it! It's easy... If you want my recipe?
Candles, they've got very popular as gifts this year... thankfully cut down my chocolate haul... still got too much chocolate, I don't want to eat it.
OK then, fire away. Might be a while before I actually get round to it though.
So. It's 2015 - When's Springwatch?
This is a gas mark 3... I have no idea what happened to the book... I'm too lazy to copy it out. *ahem*
Sift in flour and baking powder, then add everything else and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Middle (or high-ish) shelf in the oven. If it browns/burns too quickly put tinfoil loosely over it.
Umm... Springwatch... May is it? Normally?
Nice cake. Reminds me I got a mini cupcake kit for my birthday. Teeny, pointy cups.
Now eaten most of the chocs... just the After Eights and a Selection Box to go. Daren't go near the scales.
Wish they'd do a Winterwatch as a regular thing?
I've given away most of the chocs I got... and all of the wine. Bought myself a reduced to clear tin of swizzle sweets instead.
Yeah... regular Winterwatching would be good.
A regular Winterwatch would be good. After all, it's not as if ALL flora and fauna totally disappear for the winter months. They did one a couple of years ago (or more probably) and I think it went well.