Do you know what Chris's thing is this year? I thought horror movies... but he kind of lampshaded that himself, so guess not...
Haven't worked it out yet.
Ummm... what does lampshaded mean?
He said something I thought would be... "Cabin in the Woods", but then called attention to the fact he'd said it.
Ah I see thanks.
Did you see the badger tonight?
I saw the badger. That was cool. I looked away at the start when they were talking about the otters, did they show the picture of the otter in the tree?
ETA: maybe I imagined it... I can't find it.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Dia de los Muertos
Thank you Fluffy.
Yay! Happy Dia de los Muertos!
(and thank you Mexico for letting me enjoy Halloween for two extra days.)
Not my best Halloween, must say. I am now at war with the close cleaners. They don't know it yet. They made the close floor too slidey... just as well it was only the bottom two steps I went down...
Thank you Fluffy.
Yay! Happy Dia de los Muertos!
(and thank you Mexico for letting me enjoy Halloween for two extra days.)
Not my best Halloween, must say. I am now at war with the close cleaners. They don't know it yet. They made the close floor too slidey... just as well it was only the bottom two steps I went down...
I so love Day of the Dead. What better way of remembering our departed loved ones than having a big ole party [bit like an Irish wake but annual]
Apparently in Brazil they take it really seriously, it's a solemn remembrance of your people passed. Saw a Brazilian getting a little snooty about Mexicans over it in a comments section the other day. I'm siding with the Mexicans on this one. *ahem*
Is Roger being Woody Allen in your avatar?
Ooops sorry haven't been in. Umm ... not sure which costume / character it is... he has over 350
That's ok... I'm prone to forgetting to visit sites, you mat hove noticed. *ahem*
Wow... Roger sure is busy.
S'okay you have stuffs elsewhere...
How have you been yourself?
I have a cold. Always something to moan about...
How are you?
Plodding along thanks Guess what? I read a CBT book which really helped me. I emailed the psychologist in Oxford who wrote it, and have a phone appointment with her in 3 weeks. I've enough saved to fund proper private therapy luckily [don't spend much when you have the aggy-phobia-ness ]. Think I might discharge myself from the local services... or they'll discharge me more like.
Oh noes sorry you have a cold
Guess its an occupational hazard of working in a school?
Excellent. Hope that works out for you.
Yes, but everyone managed to get a couple of days off school/work... I lose a weekend.
Yeah... worse luck
Have you been watching the rugby?
I was there on Halloween, perfectly positioned to see the match's only try (the Flying Fijian! Airborn!). Didn't see the Scotland match yesterday though... followed on Twitter, they did us proud.
Ah well, at least I'm feeling better now. And my throat means I can't sing. XD