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Talking of Halloween and witches, here's a link to the 1922 silent film Haxan (AKA Witchcraft through the ages).

It is definitely not for youngsters or for those of a sensitive disposition.It does contain torture scenes and so has a 15 certificate. There is also a bit of nudity.

It's in 7 parts and the first part consists of a slide show but from the second part it's a dramadocumentary.

The 7th part is in modern times for the film (so the early 1920s) and shows the prejudice against those with mental illnesses and is the most disturbing part of the film.


El Loro

I watched the first two parts of El Loro's Haxan late last night  Very spooky and atmospheric. Old films are far more chilling than modern horror stuff i.m.o. Fascinating to see how the ideas of the supernatural evolved through the ages


And theres a quick glimpse of a Goya print about 10 mins in    Ner! 



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