It is a bit. You can fiddle with the privacy settings a bit, even select on a post by post basis how public you want it to be.
Lots to fiddle with.... too much for my wee brain
How are you doing, yourself? What do you think of the new Celtic manager?
You'll get there.
I'm alright. Had the environmental health in today. They swabbed my hands before and after washing... I passed both times. It says something about me that this was an exciting part of my day.
I'm not sure of this guy yet... someone said recently that "he doesn't seem to know that we should be better."... I would say that's accurate. That said we opened the season 6-1, and we've only lost to Caley Thistle, who we tend to lose to. We'll give it a bit. *nods*
Good stuffs
Had a peek of your twitter, you're very funny - nekkid socks lol
Cor blimey you have lots of followers!
*asks Hitch for autograph... its for my niece... honest* *coff*
Oh dear... That's a lot to live up to.
I have to say the socks were decent, the nekkidness came from someone else's mind. *nods* Bearing in mind, I've been on about 6 years... it's not so great. Quality, over quantity. *nods* I think on average 36% of people's followers are bots... but nevermind.
Bots? oooh
Yeah, you slag off One Direction in a tweet, then end up with One Direction based followers because they've ran a program to follow anyone that mentions them.
Thanks for the tip.
Has it happened to you?
Yeah.. hehe... made a snarky comment about dancing... got followed by Andrew Stone from Pineapple dance studios... He unfollowed fairly quickly when he realised, plus I was never going to follow back.
It's nothing sinister.
The horror!
Quite recently, a newbie popped up on Gaga singing his praises [and directing us to a website I think].A fan? PR person? The great man himself? We'll never know.
I suspect himself... I doubt he could afford PR. *ahem*
How's it going?
Um ok thanks. Seven weeks on, my advocate's done naff all. Apparently they're having email problems and are only part time. It was only after six weeks, that they got me an application form for my records, so I could re-apply. Only after I emailed their manager though. They then told me the wrong address to send it to. Lucky I checked
The advocacy place is largely funded by the health board so its not that independent.
Was going to have them apply for my records on my behalf, so hopefully get the full set. Probably just re-apply on my own though, it would be quicker. Suppose I could write my progress on Facebook or Twitter, once I get the hang of it.
Looking forward to Autumn though. Halloween is always something to look forward to
How you keeping yourself?
Yeah, if you get it all public... might encourage them to move things along better.
Looking forward to halloween too. Halloween is the best time of year... that said I treat all the year like Halloween. *shrugs*
Tired. Catching up on my back log of Wonder Woman.
Halloween shouldn't be confined to just October *nods*
Here's a calendar I found on Tumblr that is useful. *nods*
I am ready to get with the spooky. Always!
I Can relate to that
I loves a bit of
Tell you what... the Horror Channel better not let me down.
Better not!
I now have a tumblr and a wordpress blog... and a .com domain! Be a while before there's anything there probably.
It'll be quite serious and "cause-y" about my care problems. Maybe I should have another twitter account for fun?... Y'know like I am here [ie daft]. It would be wrong to put pics of my favourite muppets and cartoon characters [and Roger's outfits] amongst serious stuff. Not to metion drooling over Steve Backshall etc