We went out 6-1 on aggregate. We don't deserve to be back in.
Oh. Ouch!
Oh well ... umm... Rugby will be starting soon
We went out 6-1 on aggregate. We don't deserve to be back in.
I wasn't watching the game, did the illegal player score any of the goals?
I have no idea. I'm not sure which one he was... I sort of haven't really paid attention to the story. *ahem*
James May's new series on cars starts tonight 9pm, BBC2. Clashes with BB though. Must be mad but I'll stick with BB. Only a week of awfulness to go.
I have no idea. I'm not sure which one he was... I sort of haven't really paid attention to the story. *ahem*
Not to worry. I'm sure hubby can tell me.
James May's new series on cars starts tonight 9pm, BBC2. Clashes with BB though. Must be mad but I'll stick with BB. Only a week of awfulness to go.
Be not afraid. There will be several other maddies to keep you company!
James May's new series on cars starts tonight 9pm, BBC2. Clashes with BB though. Must be mad but I'll stick with BB. Only a week of awfulness to go.
Be not afraid. There will be several other maddies to keep you company!
We're mad allright
I think I was watching a creature feature on syfy... I'll let you be the judge of if that's worse or not.
More killer rabbits?
Nope, 6 giant, mutated spiders. (Ice Spiders... Stephen J Cannell was in it! )
Not as cute as Lepus... for reasons, I'm sure are clear. Not as scary as you would imagine though, the cgi spiders were really fake.
I have no idea. I'm not sure which one he was... I sort of haven't really paid attention to the story. *ahem*
Not to worry. I'm sure hubby can tell me.
Hubby says he was a sub near the end and didn't really do anything.
Eeeeek spiders! Crappy CGI or not... will give that a miss
b.t.w. Fluffy, are you enjoying G.O.T. and how far through are you?
Ah dude... That makes the ruling really stupid then...
The spiders weren't too bad.
Eeeeek spiders! Crappy CGI or not... will give that a miss
b.t.w. Fluffy, are you enjoying G.O.T. and how far through are you?
Yes I've enjoyed what I've seen so far, but several things have got in the way and I haven't seen any for a while, (not quite finished season 1!) As I'm off to my sisters' soon it looks like I'll not be seeing anymore until September sometime.
Chris Packham's new series starts tonight BBC 4 8.30 pm
Penguins always make me
Not so keen on the penguins... March of the Penguins three times... in two flights... in Mandarin.
Yes that would do your head in lol.
Mind you, tonight shows penguins in forests! Want to see them. I'd vaguely heard of such creatures.