How lovely Do you live near a park?
I do indeed. Just a block or two away from Victoria Park. I legitimately love this area sometimes... if we could just remove the junkies...
Oh, is it a bad problem?
Yes. We just had a family of them move away from this close. Their children ran riot, their friends continually broke the close door for easy access, they couldn't use the bloody intercom (always shouting up, with that nasal junkie whine) and one of there friends was a prostitute (who had no qualms suggesting they "do" my neighbour's flat. She also got bumped by the guy that used to run the take-away... he used her services and refused to pay... we know this because she was complaining about it loudly in the cornershop.) They are away! YAY!
How terrible Poor you Hitch
They must have made your life a misery!
It could've been worse. The new people you hardly hear a peep out of... Hopefully, it'll stay that way. *fingers crossed* Heard anything about your old neighbiur?
No thankfully. Bad neighbours can really wreck your life, so I really sympathise with you
How are your migraines? Are you feeling better hopefully?
Been clear since then, thank you.
Good to hear
How are you enjoying the Games? Whats the mood like round the town?
It's been ok. Danes Drive being shut off to regular traffic is the closest I've come to a disruption. The city centre hasn't been too hectic either, it was actually quite nice.
I am hoping Mr Bolt was misrepresented in the press... otherwise I am shaking my head at him.
Oh... one of the take-aways sort of blew up last night. Everyone got out ok. It struck me as weird though, that my building is so big, part of it was on fire and it wasn't a concern.
Oh how awful!!! That sounds really bad! Were you evacuated from the building or anything?
Do they know what caused it yet
No, tenements are so big it's normally just that close, and maybe the closes either side that get emptied. That's what I meant by it struck me as weird. I was technically in a building that was on fire, but I was sitting reading a book, not bothering about it too much.
I dunno what caused it. I know they were still open when something blew. They cleared the shop... then the close and the fire brigade came fairly fast, they aren't too far away. Gil (another local take-away owner) said the guy was distraught... he can't afford to fix it up/reopen.
Thats really sad - the poor man
That it is. *nods*
He must have insurance for his premises ? Maybe if it was somebody else's fault [like a gas leak] they'd be liable for damages?
Hope he's not put out of business completely Poor fella.
I have no idea, hopefully.
To be honest, I didn't go in that one much. We are wall to wall take-aways round here.
It's a bit strange sitting here in brilliant sunshine and watching on TV. the bike race just a few miles away in Glasgow ploughing through the heavy rain!
How strange, Hitch was saying something similar recently, Fluffy. You must get very local weather there lol.
Yes we do at times. The road out of Wishaw and the road into the village run parallel but about 1/2 mile apart. There have been times we are driving along the road out of Wishaw in torrential rain, come round into the road into the village and not only is it not raining but the road is bone dry!