I think there's a weekend during their next away. That I'll wait for. *nods*
Its not good, not having your own space.
How are your headaches today? Must be very debilitating. Are they any nearer to treating them?
I've been fine today and yesterday. Hopefully that'll stay. Of which I'm glad because I had to take Mitxy for her yearly check up yesterday. Any nearer would imply I've been to the doctors about it. *ahem*
Also, meeting my friends on Thursday... so have last minute birthday things to buy. Oops.
Has BB improved yet?
Glad you're a wee bit better.
Gave BB a miss last night ...just caught up on the forum.
Ahh... it's been that bad?
I watched Night of the Lepus last night... It was very cute.
Normally there's one unbearable HM... this year there's been a handful... groan.
Oh no... Is there no one redeeming on it?
Oh no... Is there no one redeeming on it?
Thankfully yes - two or three
My favourites never do well though, so I'm prepared for heartbreak.
Alas! Isn't it always the way?
I have stopped vocally supporting people in things for that very reason. *nods*
Just wiki'd Night of The Lepus ROFL!
That would be ace at Halloween! Good mix of horror and funny. Did you enjoy it? How scary would you rate it
I enjoyed it (maybe because it was the Rifftrax version). It's not really scary, the bunnies are too cute by far (Although, title of cutest horror stays with Zoltan: Hound of Dracula).
It would be ok for Halloween, but there are better movies for it (or worse, depending on your point of view).
I actually had a time yesterday trying to explain to someone that, as far as bad movies go, Sharknado is light-weight... doesn't rank. I have seen some that would... I have scars!
Oooh do feel free to list them
edit: both Halloween movies, and bad movies generally I mean.
Oh... Do I send you to Manos: The Hands of Fate? I haven't even attempted it unriffed. Unriffed I have seen Trolls 2 (What even is that?) and The Room (possibly the worst movie ever made, once you get by the cringe it's hilarious. It's a bit "sexy" though... well, it tries to be. Failure. *nods* Not halloweeny though)...
Horror Channel showed a couple of movies recently that I didn't see the start of, but looked interesting. First was Popcorn, I saw only the very end... but looked interesting. The other was Sexy Killer, a spanish movie about a serial killer, It was about halfway through when I started watching. What I saw was hilarious.
Tormented, this is one I saw on MST3K, but I really enjoyed the movie. Maybe check and see if club MST3K has the unriffed version. (they try to link them if they can.). In fact club MST3K might have unriffed Manos too... but I would watch that with the riff first, it can be a slog if you don't know what you are in for. I would check other MSTied movies actually. Riffed or not. (They even riff the movie that was later ripped off by Michael Bay as "The Island". He got his legal ass handed to him over that one.) There is a varied selection; horror, scifi, teensploitation (The Beatniks and Girls Town are my favourites) and crime capers/cop movies.
... and I rambled on a might more than I would've liked to have. Oh yeah... You've probably seen it... but Ginger Snaps and Ginger Snaps 2 (not seen the third, which is a prequel)... alright! I'll shut up now!
Yay! Brill post
You've pointed me to good stuff before - so much appreciated thanks. Had heard of Ginger Snaps... will keep that to Halloween season.
The bad stuff... I'll take your word for
*salutes* At your service.
*salutes* At your service.
You know what's hilarious (in a good way)? The pilot episode of Wonder Woman.
The Linda Carter one you mean? Bet it is hilarious, lol
Even as kids we'd take the mickey ... doing spins singing Wonder Womaaaan.
Yes. It was brilliant. *nods*
Did you see? Dancing Tunnock's...