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ooh! excitement! we had another bomb scare in partick! technically it was a police siege, but the guy threw grenades out the window. i missed it all, but news was filtering into work like chinese whispers. someone said that terrorists had left a bomb on the bus, until i pointed out today was eid... and ooh i wish i was in partick today!

or maybe i don't, because i remember the last two... they were pains.

the first occasion someone left a bag in merkland street, and i got stuck in the bus station until i realised there was a rear exit to the car park.

the second, the found an unexploded ww2 bomb in the granary when they were demolishing it. roads were so backed up  the driver chucked us off because his shift finished. meaning i had to unknowingly walk past the thing to get home.

Eid  is the end of Ramandan, loads of the kids had the day off school for it.
Yay we're both "lapsed catholics". Those are pretty much my views too.

I just remember, back in the 70's, my Mum being disgusted at the Nuns from the local convent school giving the rich kids lifts home on rainy days. She really saw some of the problems back then, at a time when you DIDN'T criticise the Catholic Church. I was brought up pretty liberal. Read your bible or pray if you want to be close to God, or just be kind to someone! I think the idea of praying to a certain saint with certain powers, and also to "intercede" ie have a word with God on your behalf, isn't christian but closer to pagan beliefs.

To top it off when my Mum passed away in 1990, she didn't get the last rights as she didn't want them. Then I arranged for her funeral service to be held in a protestant church, as she wanted. Some of the family had apoplexy! My Mum's cousin told me that cos of no last rights my Mum would was in Purgatory, but that the "good news" was that she was praying for her, so she'd only get a couple of years!!! 

Excuse the rant - please feel free to share...

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