I am...not much to say about it though... *yawns*
Not great, no.
Well... strudel and burgers for Sunday?
lol yeah
Germany should win it fairly handy, what you reckon yourself?
Hopefully. I have fingers crossed. That said, most of my World Cup people are Dutch... they might not take any pro-German football tweets too well.
And you have other great sporting events coming up
Umm... New seasons of football and rugby in August, is that what you mean?
Umm... not excited about The Games then?
Nope... never been one for Olympics/Commonwealth games. Tend to just moan about the disruption to my tv viewing. *ahem*
Goddamn International Sporting Events! *shakes fist*
You'll notice I'm not so moany when it comes to sports I like.
On reflection... I may watch the rugby 7s... for reasons...
I get you
Can't wait to see Colin and Stuart in their silly kilty outfits.
Who are they Hitch ? Hunky sports chappies?
Colin Gregor is the Scotland 7s captain. He is rather spiffy, yes. Stuart Hogg plays for Glasgow Warriors and as such, I feel bias towards him. *nods*
Ah I see
Anyhow... No AC. No World Cup. No big MST3K watch.
I'm all loose endy. This could end badly.
What are you plotting?
Nothing too much... Just have nothing to keep my attention... until the comics I read come out... on Wednesday.