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Well, that's the AC over for another year. Unless there's a tie, which there wont be Haunted Woods had won by the time we got to the second bracket (I wont go into the politics behind their win, we got second last year for the same reason... and it's not fair on the genuine players).


I await plant news with baited breath! *nods* I have plant news too, vivian caught a fly all by herself today... it's half out the trap... but still, it counts. *nods*


It's been ok. I finished my MST3K watch through and had a "post-MST3K funk", got my Double All Star on the AC (the only team Altador themed prize? "unsettling fan art of Lyvon Cibaire", serves me right for dreaming of a Winberto plushie.), and I was reminded how fast 1 person can fill a washing basket. I also got my "My Little Pony" style Gamera t-shirt... so it's all good.


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