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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Was Springwatch any good last night. I intended to watch it, but had to deal with a flooded garage instead.

Hi Fluffy  It was, and its in a nice new location. There's a badger sett which is good news.


Oh noes  Sorry about your garage. Could you rescue your stuff? 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Oh and Iolo is in Scotland - trying to broadcast in a swarm of midges  The conditions were perfect for them apparently.


Yeah, heard he was on the west coast - I know ALL about swarms of midges!

The garage is not too bad overall. Some rather damp cardboard boxes looking the worse for wear. There was carpet and underlay in there too and it has soaked up the water like a sponge. So once the floor's dried we'll lay out the wet stuff and it'll dry out eventually....might have to throw away some of the worst bits though a it's a bit TOO dirty and stained.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Oh and Iolo is in Scotland - trying to broadcast in a swarm of midges  The conditions were perfect for them apparently.


Yeah, heard he was on the west coast - I know ALL about swarms of midges!

The garage is not too bad overall. Some rather damp cardboard boxes looking the worse for wear. There was carpet and underlay in there too and it has soaked up the water like a sponge. So once the floor's dried we'll lay out the wet stuff and it'll dry out eventually....might have to throw away some of the worst bits though a it's a bit TOO dirty and stained.

Oh no sounds like a right mess Fluffy  Hope you can rescue some stuff. How did it happen?


There are midges in the North of Ireland too - I remember being bitten alive on holidays in Donegal, mostly around bogs!



Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Oh no sounds like a right mess Fluffy  Hope you can rescue some stuff. How did it happen?

The lounge is above the garage and there are verandahs at either end of the lounge. We were having them re-roofed. The builders just swept all the dust and debris etc. down the roan pipes and blocked them up. Thrn we had torrential rain for several hours and the rain water  overflowed from the pipes and got everywhere. There are damp patches on the ceiling and wall too!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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