Yes. The Dornish in general seem nicer than the Westerosi. We should be visiting there next season, catch up with Marcella.
Yes. The Dornish in general seem nicer than the Westerosi. We should be visiting there next season, catch up with Marcella.
Can't wait
What do you think of the guy who plays Oberyn - does he live up to what you'd imagined?
I think he's ace.
He wasn't my ideal for Oberyn, my headcanon was actually cast as a Second Son (Dario chopped his head off... boo). He's done a good job though, couldn't be happier with his work.
Wot u say?
What does the headcanon thing mean. Sorry.. you have to go slow for me
Sorry... I shall put a mini fandom dictionary here for you.
Canon: Anything that happens in the main official fandom source (show/film/book).
Fanon: Not technically in the official fandom source, but there's enough evidence to make it possible, that it's accepted by most of the fandom.
Headcanon: A bit like "fanon", except personal. They way you see it happening in your mind. In fact fanon must start as headcanon when you think about it.
This is who I meant. Ramon Tikaram.
Thank you Hitch. Yes, I've felt that niggling feeling when books were adapted etc. Good to put a name on it. And to keep up with young peeps [*coff*]
I'm learning things from you. Recently came across "sophomore slump" and knew what it was
Pity Ramon didn't get a bigger role. He looks the part.
Yeah.. we only see him twice... then... no more.
Yay! I am educational. *pride*
I am back from Godzilla. I had fun. He was cute and had proper stompy feet. (unlike the 1998 film... we don't talk about that.)
Glad you liked this Godzilla... proper stompy feet is a must!
They are... I'm on a Kaiju movie binge at the moment... I'll try not to post about them... too much...
Go on! I like to find out new stuffs
b.t.w heres clip of Ricky Spanish... warning... he's BAD
I'll watch that later, when I have headphones or an empty house. Just in case...
I watched Pacific Rim last night. Was ok, not a patch on a proper Kaiju movie.
Its not x-rated or anything don't worry.... its just American Dad.
That was...umm... interesting.
He tries to mend his ways in the end. Sort of.
How are you doing at the moment. How are your migraines?
Well that is a relief.
I'm alright. Altador Cup coming up in a week or so. I haven't had one in a while, which is good. How's yourself?
Well that is a relief.
I'm alright. Altador Cup coming up in a week or so. I haven't had one in a while, which is good. How's yourself?
Ok-ish thanks. My consultant rang and they're giving me the rest of my medical notes. I'd asked could I work through my care concerns with him, with the help of an advocate. That's the normal procedure. No, he's transferring me to another consultant, without my consent.
So now I go into the dreaded NHS complaints process.
All I wanted was for him to fully write up in his consultant notes my ordeal with Mrs Madwoman - which very badly affected me. There was scarcely a reference. He didn't acknowledge that he even viewed one of the videos of the disturbances, which I recorded over months. [Even police said they found them frightening, so you can imagine how it affected me]. Nor any mention of the malicious letters I received from her, the rambling CD she recorded to frighten me and put under my door, nor months of my email correspondence forwarded to him by my then community nurse. He's apparently written to my GP but only briefly updated him. Detailed amendments and additions need to go into his notes, though.
Basically, Mrs Madwoman was a disturbed patient who local mental health services should have sectioned, but instead they turned a blind eye basically, and let me suffer. Because I have my own problems they dismissed my concerns and fears as paranoia or overreaction. Very cynical i.m.o. especially as police confirmed how serious it was.
At least my consultant finally accepted that antipsychotics didn't help so at least that something... it'll be antidepressants and psychological therapy from now on. I'm doing CBT and mindfulness on my own in the meantime.
Did that make sense? Probably not Sorry for the rant. Feel better now
Glad you're migraine free, may it continue
That is appalling. Sounds like you have a ton of evidence... take him to the cleaners! If you can... Shocked it's not been dealt with properly after all this time.
Is the CBT (I got that right or not? Unsure...) still helping you?
That is appalling. Sounds like you have a ton of evidence... take him to the cleaners! If you can... Shocked it's not been dealt with properly after all this time.
Is the CBT (I got that right or not? Unsure...) still helping you?
Aww thanks That was a right old rant thanks for listening
CBT definitely helps thanks. There's a combination of mindfulness-meditation practice and CBT called MBCT [Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy] - just started an eight week course on that. Its on kindle and a linked website with guided meditations and worksheets. About an hour of meditation a day. Told ya I was a hippy lol
Shouldn't moan really ... there are people much worse off than me, let down by the NHS every day.
Sorry - I forgot to mention the fire at Glasgow School Of Art - how awful
Apparently its a really historic place too.
No. The right to moan doesn't get diminished by there being worse off. Bad things happen... moan.
An hour a day?! I admire your patience, I'd do the nut.
Yes, it is terrible... Seemingly, they've saved most of the building. The library got the worst... that said the library was supposed to be the most beautiful part. It's all those people with their degree pieces I feel for though. Four years of work. Fingers crossed it's salvageable.
Happy Towel Day and a happy Glorious 25th.
Truth, Justice, Freedom, reasonably priced love and a hard boiled egg!