No, not too close. Saw one or two swimming about the sea... it's that clear there.
The apple seedling got blown over on the windowsill - stem is broken
Oh well... more marigold seedlings sprouted ... hope those make it.
Oh no! *buys you more apples*
Thanks Hitch Tis ok... have lots of seed trays planted, just waiting for them to show. Hurry up warm weather!
Yes weather! Hurry!
I probably wont see Game of Thrones (or the 2 hour OUaT season finale) until Tuesday. Off to see Wicked tonight, which in the case of OUaT it is actually ironic that we're off to see the wizard!
Wow! Lucky you, hope you have a good time
I had a lovely time. Seems every single Glasgow ticket got snapped up (and it's on for just under a month), very lucky to get them.
Saw all my shows. Got to love Tyrion. OUaT has lined up an interesting big bad for season 4.
Glad you had a good time Is Wicked as good as they say? What were the songs like?
Tyrion is amazing, he made be go a bit
It was brilliant. Funny and sad and yay! Songs? amazing! Defying Gravity was definitely a high point. Popular and What is This Feeling? funny.
Yes... Boo to Shae though. *shakes fist* I guess Varys too... but...
Yay for Wicked!
Shae... indeed that was a shocker. Was good to see Mark Gatiss in it too.
In the book... Shae isn't as nice... so, while it's still a surprise, I can imagine it's less of a surprise than it was for show watchers.
In Mad Men news... the real Don is back
Got a few cornflower seedlings and a dahlia so all is well.
Ooh! I thought he had died on the battlefield? I guess he's a bit shifty too then?
Ooh! I thought he had died on the battlefield? I guess he's a bit shifty too then?
No that one is definitely
Sorry.... I meant Don is "back" and in top alpha male form again... he was a depresso drunk for a while.
Ah right. (They need a better "doh" icon here.) Ah yes, always good when a character gets back to their old self.
Missed it, but Neil Oliver is doing Australian Coast.
Might we see him in shorts? *swoons in advance*
I had seen it advertised, never got around to watching it... trying to get as much of my MST3K watch done before the Altador Cup starts as possible. I'm sure we must!
Sounds like you have your hands full lol. Enjoy
If Neil is in shorts I will report back
*salutes* Sah!
Very good, commerade! *salutes*
Just back from the rugby. We made the final, Munster are cheating so-and-sos and the ref was atrocious. Good night, I shan't be able to speak tomorrow.
Very good, commerade! *salutes*
Just back from the rugby. We made the final, Munster are cheating so-and-sos and the ref was atrocious. Good night, I shan't be able to speak tomorrow.
Booo to Munster
Yay! Glad you got through and enjoyed yourself