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Originally Posted by hh42:

Ohh! Good luck with the mini apple tree. You wouldn't get mini apples from it would you?

Apparently sometimes you can, if you grow it in a biggish pot. They're hard to grow inside though - they like to be outside in the blustery weather apparently.

Currently I have mint, chives [both half dead but reviving] an apple seedling and a marigold seedling. Got lots lots more seeds to sow tonight. Will be partly using the compost I made last year, so here's hoping.


I went to Argassi on Zakynthos (or Zante, if you'd rather). Not far from Athens (could see the lights across the sea at night). It not a horrible clubby area with the 18-30s (oh my gods... never get stuck on a plane with them!), A few bars and cafes... nice place.


Feta is nice... you tended to get that in most things over there.


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